Friday, April 09, 2010

Are you dating a cheater??

Well, I got a nasty blast from the past...couple of days ago, I found out that an ex of mine was cheating on me because a friend of mine knows someone whom he was cheating on about six degrees of separation...nah, make it 2 degrees! CLearly the other victim and I were comparing notes and boy, there's so much dirt from it! That guy's a total manwhore bad fish! Thing is, he wasn't just cheating on me with one person, I've concluded that he's probably whoring around, shagging the whole village and humping whatever that wears a skirt and you know what? I wasn't even surprised to find out that he was a cheater cos I think at the back of my head, I already knew cos I saw little tell tale signs but then he denied so vehemently, coming out with all sorts of excuses. I've never caught him red-handed....but then now, all those little signs made sooooo much sense! And so, I'm gonna list out all the signs that the guy you're dating might be a cheater....

Okay, to begin with, I must put in some background info. I wasn't living with him but I used to stay over his place every now and then, so these signs below apply to those who're not living together. It applies to those you're recently dating cos signs like a sudden increase in personal grooming habits as seen in those cheating bastards in a long relationship or marriage won't apply...So here you go for the ready?

Tell-tale Signs That Your Man Might Be A Cheating Manwhore:
  • He's got new strange gifts and items at a new soft or anything that a straight man wouldn't Mr Asshole's place, I found a sudden emergence of soft toy of the muppet "Animal". Both small miniature one and larger one. Knowing him, he'll never buy it himself and when I questioned how come he's got a new soft toy, he said his mom sent him and well I believed him....(given the fact that he was one of the miracle children that his mother popped out in her late 40s who used to be told she was infertile)....stupid me I know...
  • He's got a lot of different toiletries in the bathroom....look, most men are very very practical and they'll only have one shower gel, one shampoo, one conditioner if he's more metrosexual, one facial wash, one body lotion if he's vain with dry skin, one face moisturizer and whatever that's basic....the key word is "the lack of variety" will not find a myraid of different brands for you to choose from and with Mr Asshole, he's got quite a nice collection....with a sudden appearance of new brands....ohhh, he even has a shower know the girlie pouffy one? I should have known better
  • He doesn't pick up your call for a prolonged period of time....why? Not because he's busy in a meeting, not because he's asleep but he's with another chick....
  • He wouldn't pick up calls while you're with him....why? Booty call from another chick from the harem...
  • He block you from his facebook wall and friend list....once upon a time, Mr Asshole suddenly had some skanky girl in bikini (profile picture) wrote on his wall "Oh I'm gonna miss you so so so so much! Sending you all my love!"...that's before he was about to fly off for 2 weeks....I questioned him and he said it's just some headhunter he met up and that girl was all over him and she's a nutter....not only did he subsequently delete those remarks, he also blocked me from seeing his wall activities and friend list....too much privacy=dodgy
  • He has people sending him cards and night at Mr Asshole's place, I saw a card with hand written words "Miss you Baby X (X stands for his name)". He sneakily switched off the light with one hand while using the other hand to take the card away and tucked it somewhere. But me being as sharp as a samurai sword, I saw! I questioned him obviously, he said it's just some a very close friend overseas whom he helped and she wrote him a thank you note...she's like a sister blah blah blah....WTF? I was dumb....
  • You see strands of hair in his bed that don't belong to you....nuff said right? I once fished out a very long strand of hair in his bed but guess what? He said it's the maid's and he even convincingly threw a fit about me being suspicious and not trusting him and shit about why I'm always suspicious etc...he deserves an Oscar....I mean an Oscar statue shoved up his arse hole that is
  • Girl clothes would be quite an obvious sign but that I didn't encounter. My friend, on the other hand did...which brings me to the next point...
  • He would so very religiously make you bring all your stuff back home cos why? So that the next girl who comes in won't see it. Mr Asshole would make sure I get ALL MY BELONGINGS with me after I stay over...
  • There's more than one toothbrush and it's not in some masculine color....Mr Asshole said he bought those in a pack so they come in assorted color inclusive of girlie color and the other one is meant to be in the shower but one day after his shower, it dropped and he picked it up and put it next to the sink instead cos he didn't want to wet his feet after he dried off...cunning lies
  • The spare bathroom has got toiletries.... men=minimal......straight men would probably only leave a hand soap in the other bathroom and toilet roll...hand towel if he's meticulous....Asshole's place has a full set of shower gel, Clairol Herbal Essence shampoo in some rose scent and what not...excuse?? Oh those are my mom's when she was here to visit
  • If your intuition tells you that he's cheating....ALWAYS trust your own intuition! But I don't mean the psychotic PMS outburst...thing is, I kinda long suspected that he's a bad fish but I guess I was waiting for actual evidence...the other girl whom he was playing with/cheating on had exactly the same gut feel that he was cheating and guess what? We are both right! Never disregard a woman's intuition!
Ohhhhh one more point....If he's some banker from Standard Chartered Bank with the same family name as the world's most famous fictional vampire (the one that all the teenage girls are going gaga over...), then he IS a cheater! !00%!


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Anonymous said...

henry cullen

Anonymous said...

Henry Cullen. He's having too much fun dicking sg girls around. He should be broadcast so girls can steer clear!

B said...

Wow...Anon 12.11 and 7.09, are you two cullen victims? Are you two the same person? Cos I'm thinking of some evil things in the planning to get even...let me know....hmmm

OGT said...

Such a longgg list i would say! Hmmm extremely interesting read.

Well ladies, no offense but you all seem to fall so head over heels for it despite some very blatant signs...

Anonymous said...

More signs would be:
1. He will never let you touch his phone. Never.
2. When you approach him to clear your doubts, you will get it back as "you are being suspicious". You will never get anywhere.
3. Long hair strands in bed could be a) the maid; b) hair & dust stuck on clothes from street/office
4. Every "other girl" become a nutter and they are the one all over him and he couldn't help it. He can swear to god he has not done anything to them.
5. Each time he only gives you last minute notice to meet up, & usually is to his place, for a shag
6. It is close to zero chance that he will pick up any of your call.

Doesn't all this sound familiar? :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi B,

no, two different person. I'm interested. Let me know?


B said...

Anon 8.33

Oh yes, very very familiar! classic "cullen" signs though I had a bit more luck of going out with him but he would never hold my hand or have any bodily contact

And yes, every other girl's a nutter and he simply doesn't know why or he simply doesn't know her and has never met her blah blah blah

Oh at times he replies your sms the next day or something too....

I feel the need to destroy him...I wonder how many girls he's slept with

B said...

Anon 10.20

Wow!!! OMG this is interesting! Do I know you? I'm just curious...cos I mean you happen to be reading my blog....I really feel like bringing the asshole down...

Anonymous said...

hey B... this is A3. it's getting more interesting because there are at least 4 of us here!

B said...

OMG....already 4!! We need to form a justice league and do something...what I dunno but let me have a think....but seriously, do I know some of you? Since you guys read my blog?

Anonymous said...

hey B

i don't think you know me but i know you coz of that asshole (as i know u r one of the millions in his list). being curious so i checked out your fb (but no intention to do anything funny). anyway i think your blog has very interesting articles & i do like ur product reviews! back to the topic, i had same thought as you some time back but i thought there is nothing we can do really. he's a playa & doesn't care a thing. he can still get girls to give him a shag for free just by pretending to be loving & caring. what's your suggestion?


B said...

Oh glad you like the reviews, I'm a beauty junkie hahaha!

I dunno...but being rather pissed off now, I'm thinking and planning "Operation Annihilation". I wonder if there's anyway to get him deported...hmmmmm.....omg he's so fucking disgusting...I really wonder what can be done to fix the karma situation...any idea?

I hate to say this cos it's a bit too personal but I actually got myself tested (HIV included) on Friday just in case....I'm hoping you girls would too...Reason being he once told me he got something "funny"....and just so you no, nooo, it's negative for HIV! Phew! Not funny I know...and I do know it's a bit too personal to share this out here

Anonymous said...

hey b

yes i agree with you. girls out there please be careful. i once spotted him taking pills for STD. but at least he told you he has got something funny! i asked him & as usual, denial mode on.

OGT said...

Oh no looks like it's quite a party already. STD Cullen shouldn't be let off!

Anonymous said...

Hi B,

just like A3 I found you thru FB on his friend's list when he first joined FB and kept it open until I guess he got found out by all his "gf" and kept it private. I only just discovered your blog and saw this entry even though the whole misfortune started back in 2008.

to A: OMG, what kinda STD?

I feel the need to broadcast this to all sg girls...
but i'm sure he's not the only asshole expat who does this.

Anonymous said...

Hi B,
any chance he will get to read this?

Anonymous said...

the 2 post below were from A2 for the record.

Anonymous said...

I meant above.....

B said...

Hey anon 11.38, OMG! What STD pills was he taking? And he denied it's STD pills???? What the fuck did he say?

He once called me to tell me he's not well blah blah and that he's got urinary track infection and he's got funny discharge from his willie and he went to the doctor etc. Thing is, men don't normally get UTI unless you're so damn old (I asked the doctor on Friday) and if they start getting discharge, it might actually be gonorrhea!!! And condoms don't protect you fully from gonorrhea cos it can be spread through your throat as well. So ladies, please go get screened!!!! I kid you not! This is serious shit! Please all go get tested!

A2: I dunno if he reads my blog. Probably not I guess cos he's probably too busy screwing around and spreading STD. But if he sees this, so what? He should start to get worried....I wonder if there's any way to get him by implicating know, bad behaviour. Aiyah I dunno man...I wish I have a plan...

No doubt he's probably not the only cheaters around but he's the WORST you can get! Seriously! I dunno how he can lie like that and not feel a thing! It's disgusting!

OGT, please give me input on evil plan!

B said...

People!!! Henry Cullen IS reading this I think! Cos he deleted me off his Facebook!! Now this is getting really fun...

Maybe I should call the evening tabloid newspaper to do a story on him! And the whole damn Singapore would know!!! He'll be famous...and I'll make sure Newpaper cover him too!

And Baby Hen, if you're reading this, WE ALL MISS YOU!!!! But of course we miss you!! Now, the fun've pissed off a very angry Scorpio....

B said...

Hahaha...what would a media pitch/angle of "Expat misbehaving in Singapore, Conning girls, Screwing them and Spreading STD"....Wan Bao, Shin Min Daily and even Newpaper would pick it up for sure....and we can remain anonymous and I still have sms he sent me as evidence. Woot! Reporter might have to call his company to reach him....and he can deny but then he's already busted here and one check of his medical record would see if he's got STD. hmmmm.....interesting....

Anonymous said...

girls, i think it was herpes cos i goggled the pill he took (acyclovir - he stupidly threw the packaging in his plastic bag hanging by the door of his room), which is a treatment for herpes. his excuse? that's just some medication given by his doctor to treat his ulcer. i asked my doctor and he said he has never heard of such a thing!

i'm sure we girls are not at all bitter about that crappy relationship with him (in fact very happy to get rid of his crap) but the way he treats us just shows he has no respect to us - females! i agreed with A2 that there are loads of disgusting expats out there fooling around but those ones usually make it upfront & clear that they are not serious, so it is our choice whether to be with them. but this asshole made it out as if he is such innocent & good, always talk about his family & football & he always emphasis on how CLEAN he is & he is not into one night stand & he seriously wants to have a gf to share his life with. i'm sure it sounds familiar to you girls too! all he wants is to get free shag to save money on paying prostitutues. in front of you, you are always so gorgeous & sweetheart but he bad mouth you as a nutter & psycho in front of others. giving obvious stupid excuses & lies just simply show that he thinks all of us are such retarded. he doesn't treat us as human, each of us are just another "hole" for him to score a "goal"!


B said...

A3: OMG he got herpes!???? So chances are, he's got herpes and gonorrhea too! Ewwww he's disgusting...I think everyone needs to be screened!

And yes, I agree it's the fact that he lies to us and deceived us that makes me hate him so damn much. I'm kinda determined to bring him down...

So ladies, what's your view of running an expose on him on the evening papers which I'll then plan to filter to the Newpaper? We'll all remain that does sound?

Anonymous said...

hi B, not sure how effective would that be?
1. he will say we are just a small group of bittered psychos who try to defame him cos we didn't get what we wanted from him
2. will there be a chance for him to sue us for defamation?
3. not to forget the minorities. such as filippino maids

i definitely agree with you that i hate his guts! he shows no respect at all. but seriously i think all his other girls out there should get a screen, just to make sure they are not infected by this jerk.


B said...

If he wants to sue us, he'd have to go for lie detector test etc and they'll also need to dig out his medical record which will then shows that he's got an std. Let me go find out more. Omg yes he did tell me he got blow jobs from some filipino waitress! Ewww he's the manwhore posterboy!

Anonymous said...

omg you mean he actually told you that? so much about he is good & clean! he has his own united nation of chicks here.

Anonymous said...

and he told you he went to the doctor, did he tell you what's the outcome? probably it was STD & he refused to tell anyone so that he can still get his free shag!


B said...

Well he told me about the Filipino cos he disappeared for a really long time and when I saw him again, I grilled him and asked if he's kicked it with any girls and after much grilling, he said only a "nosh job" and he said some waitress gave him her number and he asked her out, then she gave him a nosh job blah blah blah....whatever...

He told me it's Urinary Track Infection, BUT thing is, the doctor I spoke to on Friday said men won't get UTI unless they're really old and most likely it's gonorrhea...So I dunno....which is why I'm urging everyone to get tested. Cos most of the time gonorrhea doesn't show any symptoms on women, same goes as Chlamydia too. Better to be safe even when your "episode" with him is supposedly erm safe...I wouldn't risk it, knowing the manwhore he is.

Anonymous said...

obviously what he told you was just 0.00000000000001% of the truth. but really, thanks for sharing so at least we girls know it clear that he is an asshole, and not us being psycho!

B said...

Well now we all know he's 100%asshole not from concentrate for sure! Thing is, I feel sorry all this shit happened but I really urge all of you out there to get tested cos it's your health and you don't want to take chances! One of the anons already said he's taking herpes medication, so please go to the doctor for screening!

As for me, I'm hatching an evil plan...kinda...

B said...

Anyway, I've checked with a doctor friend and he said Aciclovir (the drug he's caught taking) is really for herpes and it's not for ulcer. The only other use for this drug is for Shingles and if he's got shingles he would be so ill he wouldn't be able to hump around. And it's not even commonly prescribed for Shingles to begin with...

Anonymous said...

you gals out there should think twice for revenge. he is not a forgiving person and certainly very resourceful, so just be very careful ok.

B said...

Neither am I a forgiving person! And I'm just as resourceful if not more! Already have my legal team on standby and in discussion! Hahaha! This is gonna be fun!

Anonymous said...

Aren't you working under Singapore Government division? Issit wise to outrightly writing revenge like this?

B said...

Anon 9.33. It's technically not a revenge cos it's not like I'm gonna go kill or prank him cos it would not be anything like that to begin with. It would all be legal and thus the legal team involved.....I'm not that stupid...Only stupid enough to be lied to by Herpes Cullen, sorry, I mean Henry Cullen...typo error there. So no, I'm not taking revenge at all.

OGT said...

Doesn't he work in a bank too? Standard Chartered? It's not wise to outrightly mistreat and con women like that too.

Anonymous said...

Technically, it's not revenge. It is protecting others to not fall into this vicious cycle set by the devil himself, come on, all the girls here had identical experience!!!

It is just exposing him so as to protect the others. Furthermore, he is posing a threat to someone's health.

Anonymous said...

The tabloid will definitely pick this news up, while you are at it, why not send the same story to the UK tabloid to let them know how their boy is having a great time and making waves in Singapore.

OGT said...

Oh yes, i forgot how cheaters and cheating news are all in the rage now! New heights for Edward Cullen! Henry Cullen i mean. Too much of twilight for me.


B said...

Well if I have enough victims to join me and get interviewed anonymously, I would go pitch the story to the evening tabloids. After all, I have really great media contact....let me know...

Anonymous said...

no definitely it is not a revenage. revenge means we are bitter & sour about the relationship. but we are not like that at all. we only want to share our experience to all the girls out there to be careful for their own benefit. if they still wanna fall for this jerk, then it's their own business but we have done our part to send out the message.

Anonymous said...

Hi ladies just saw this blog as my friend told me to check it out. Just find that a revenge may not be a wise choice as I believe you all have started new lives with your new love ones so bringing up the past will only distrub your current life. Perhaps should just let it go and move on.

Expats cheating cases are common. Not only expats but even locals. He is not the first and will not be the last one. There are worse ones out there. As girls we should just be careful protecting ourselves, not to have pre marital sex. That's the safest way.

From a reader perspective it doesn't look good on you ladies also as it seems that you can't let go of what happened. Not to forget to think from your loved ones point of view.

This is just my 2 cents worth.

B said...

Hi Anon 12.58,

It's over for real and of course we've all moved on cos nobody would want a piece of rubbish with STD but then the thing is, it's more of a social responsibility here to warn other girls who might end up being his next victim cos he trawls the internet for "dates". I think the issue here is that he's a walking health hazard cos other anonymous victim has already pointed out that he was seen talking medication for herpes. And just because we talk about it doesn't mean we're not over it. It's just some really interesting discussion and revelation that's all. And like I said, there's no revenge going on :) I guess we do have the rights to bitch about it and vent after being lied to and cheated on and finally it's been confirmed! Just letting some steam off at least...while hopefully he's not letting some STD off some other girls

OGT said...

Letting go is definitely out of the question given the extent of what he has committed. Going around, conning women into bed, okay that just makes you a cheater and yes of course there are aplenty around but dude here has got std!

A sane human being with morals will not sink so low. Even if his dickhead and not head is doing the thinking, there is still no excuse. Going through the trauma of getting tested for hiv? That alone is something not as simple as "let it go".

Maybe revenge is too harsh a term, how about just teaching him a little lesson? Promise no polished chin will be ruined!


Anonymous said...

Check this article out, it is so apt

Anonymous said...

Gals maybe you don't have to worry too much because that pill can be a treatment for coldsore

I think Anon 12.58 is right. Exposing this will cause disruption to your current life and it is also not good to tell people you sleep with someone you don't really know well. How will your current bf think?

I'm a gal too and I think not worth going through the trouble on someone in the past. Spend more precious time with your current loved ones =)

SibehSoy said...

woot woot..such drama..
Anon 6.58, a cold sore or fever blister is NOT the same as an ulcer. If it's for cold sore/ulcer, why did skanky cullen say it's for an ulcer? it's a despo attempt to cover the truth..

and B..i agree wif u..i do think mr standard skanky chartered may be amongst those who r posting 'sensible' messages here..wat gal in the right mind would be advise gerls to stand by n do nothing for fear of being sued? like..hello? he cannot sue for even a pack of camel peanuts coz he got no case! it won't be slander coz the gerls r telling the truth..

i have a brilliant idea dat i will share wif u offline B..i fear the sanctuary of this blog has been compromised..cunty cullen may have bookmarked this page..

B said...

Anon 6.58, a cold sore is a form of herpes that's really mild. But genital herpes is the one that requires the medication Aciclovir which one of the anon victims saw him taking. So they're not the same cos you cannot cure genital herpes and it's for life and it'll recur and it's not as harmless as a silly cold sore on your'll be a painful ulcer on your erm "other lips" yes, he's a walking health hazard and you can spread herpes even when there's no open sores on the genital...just so you get it right cos herpes is for life

Anonymous said...

Omg....this is becoming a very interesting read. Just out of curiosity, was he "dating" you all at the same time? He definitely needs to be taught a lesson. I hope you girls succeed.

B said...

I'm not sure if he's dating all of us girls at the same time but I'm pretty sure he's two-timing if not multi-timing. The hair found in bed, the card and whatnots were telltale signs as I said but whether they're from one other girl or more, I can't be sure. But my guess is, there's definitely a harem out there where he rotate. I mean, why not since he's a bloody manwhore?
And interestingly, he's also deleted the other (the one whom I know of and subsequently found out about the whole saga) girl on his facebook account and his profile on facebook has also suddenly disappeared! Sounds like someone's laying low there....but I doubt he's gone for good cos I remember once he kinda disappeared too, only to re-appear awhile later...I wonder if he disappeared the last time cos he got busted...

Anonymous said...

OMG, I just saw this and I'm one of the victims who's commenting for the first time! I also found this blog cos you're on his fb list and I went to kaypoh.

But ladies, let me tell all of you something shocking. I got Chlamydia from him. He sent me a text message saying he got discharge from his dick and he said it's some urine infection. And I was with him 2 days before that and I hate to say that I was not safe with him. In fact, he hates condom and he said I'm the only person he's sleeping with and he wants a relationship with me etc. Only that he bolted and disappeared and didn't pick up my call after sleeping with me a couple of times. So when he said he got Urine infection, I got scared cos he asked me to get treated though I have no symptoms or pain. And my doctor said I should do an STD screen cos men seldom get urine infection. And then the test came back positive for Chlamydia! So he gave me Chlamydia! He not only has Herpes, he got Chlamydia. And I'm not sure if he's lying and saying it's just a urine infection. I dunno. He might still have it cos what if doctor so stupid and think he only got urine infection?

I think all the girls should get checked for STD! I got it from him!

B said...

OMFG!!!! He gave you STD? When was that???

I hope you're okay now! This man is disgusting!!! Such social hazard!!! He ought to be deported!

Anonymous said...

You cannot believe I literally ran to the doctor to get a test after reading this. I breathe a sigh of relief when it is negative for HIV. Hi B, do you mind if I contact you at all?

B said...

Hey send me a message through facebook. You found me through facebook I suppose?

B said...

Oh btw, get tested for all STD really. Not just HIV. Complete screening please!

Anonymous said...

Hey B, Anon 4.42 here.

I found out about the Chlamydia around last November or so. Can't quite remember the exact timing but it's there about. Come to think of it, he probably kept told me to see a doctor despite me telling him that I didn't have UTI cos he probably KNEW he got an STD but as usual, he's being a jerk and not telling me and maybe hoping my GP would tell me or something. Dunno...cos the GP did...Saying it's probably not UTI if he's a young guy and suggested I did a test for STD and the Chlamydia came back positive!

And you know what? The shittiest thing is that my GP said Chlamydia might lead to infertility if it goes up to the womb and fallopian tubes or something. So honestly I dunno if this fucking jerk has affected my chance to conceive. I'm too scared to go to a gynae to find out cos I don't think I'm ready for that and now like I'm gonna have a baby now...worry when it happens I guess...sigh...

B said...

Oh dear...I'm so sorry to hear that! But I think if you clear the chlamydia soon enough, it won't affect your fertility much. And He's an asshole to not tell you it's an STD! Good that you went to the GP and found out!

I just hope he's not passing more stuff to other girls....herpes can't be cured and it's for life! He ought to be locked up!

Anonymous said...

hi gals

Im not one of the victims/i have nothing to do with this bastard

i came across this blog someone post in some forum about this post (which is good so every girl in the forum will know his name and aware about it..

the best is where he works now know about this and sack him off.. gross till max no shame or guilt about spreading sexual diseases to other girls..

the best part is if he carries on this way and one day he will get HIV thats the end of him. he deserves it, sit and wait for death.


Anonymous said...

There should be flyers distributed everywhere with his face on it warning girls about him! He's so disgusting! I think he's a bloody misoginist who simply mistreat women cos if he has any respect for women, he wouldn't be lying and cheating, let alone spreading STDs that can potentially ruin a woman's fertility! Spawn of Satan!I hope he gets fired by Standard Chartered. His colleagues and clients should just boycott him!

Anonymous said...

yea i agree with you..

i have girlfriend working in stand char... i probably should tell her about this..

B said...

Please do! I think he probably hits on the girls at work too cos once I saw him writing photo comment of "oh sometimes I just want to kiss you" to some girl on facebook and when I questioned him about it, he said it was just a joke and he jokes a lot and he said the girl works for him etc. Whether it's true or not I dunno but then given the fact that he's a manwhore, I wouldn't be surprised if he tigers around the office. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

yea.. agree too this type of man will try to sweet talk to every female in office & give hundred thousands reasons to say its just joke..
thinking about it wonder how many females in the stand chartered are his old flames..

will tell my friend went she comes back from her overseas trip

Anonymous said...

Hi girls

Just came across this blog and quite shocked to see so many comments made. I am not one of the "victims" but I had similar (if not worst) experience. Maybe I shall share it with you all.

The guy you all mentioned is definitely a jerk. Disgusting. He shows no respect to women. But, there are always jerks around. You girls are lucky as none of you are married to him. You were just "gf". I married for 5 years to my then husband and I found out he was cheating on me. I started noticing his change of behaviour such as carrying his phone wherever he went (even to toilet), going into room for hush talks on the phone, very frequent "business meetings" & "business trips". I confirmed he was cheating on me when one night while he was asleep, I peeped on his phone sms & found out Sunday to Saturday, he was bedding different women in hotels or even their places & of course, a good collecting of suggestive sms'es too. The next thing I knew was, he got infected with STD. I went for screening and my report was positive.

Not long after that I divorced him. I don't know if he is continuing his 24/7 bedding with different chicks & spreading STD but I am not interested to know anyway.

I think you girls are much luckier than me because I was cheated by someone whom I was with for years (he was my first bf) and married to.

And, girls, please take every single precaution to protect yourselves. Sex before marriage is not good because it shows that you are too easy to get. Going unsafe with a man you didn't know him for 5 minutes is silly, even if he was not bedding other chicks that time, you don't know his past well. Words are cheap. Everyone can sweet talk. Don't fall for a guy just so easily for a few words he whispers to you. He can be saying that to everyone. Sms'es can be sent to a recipient list, not exclusively to you. Other than sweet talking, did he do anything significant to make you feel you were really that beloved and it was worth you to sleep with him, giving your most precious thing away to him?

There are thousands, millions of disgusting men in the world. Of course, vice versa. If you allow people to take advantage of you, they will grab the chance, no doubt. Therefore, as a woman, we have to protect ourselves.

B said...

Sorry to hear about your experience! I guess we are luckier in the sense that we're not married to him. I hope you've rid yourself of the infection and have moved on with life. You deserve better than a lying cheating man for sure! I guess I just hope our manwhore henry isn't screwing around and spreading herpes and stds to girls!

OGT said...

Whoaa oh. Sometimes i just want to kiss you? Not some time i'll just want to So, std spreading around scb? Certainly hope not baby hen!

Anonymous said...

why didn't u kick his smell balls not for those sweet reasons like hurting yr feelings etc...but instead for bring u very near to STD and HIV....if i were i'd have....

Anonymous said...

henry cullen, as in SCB's the head of derivatives operations? :O

Anonymous said...

That's him! That's the cheating, std spreading jerk!

Anonymous said...

Head of derivatives documentation and financial operations

Anonymous said...

Hi B, thanks. I have recovered from the infection now & happily living a new life being single.

But I hope my story tells that even the person that's closest to you, spent years with you & married to you can cheat on you without a second thought. Therefore as women we shall really protect ourselves. It's similar to the molest case at Sentosa countdown party. If that girl took precaution to protect herself (i.e. not wearing bikini in a crowded party), people will pity her of what happened, instead of commenting "she asked for it".

I think as women we ought not to send out messages to jerks that we are easy to get. I know there are plenty of girls out there, whenever they see westerners, they throw themselves at them. Therefore this doesn't help on eliminating jerks in the world. If there are givers, there are takers. My then husband is not a westerner but he was quite well off, drove flash sports car and we stayed in a house. I am pretty sure those other women might caught the infection from him but honestly, I do not pity them as they throw themselves to a man they didn't really know well.

B said...

Anon 4.28. Bingo! How many henry cullens are there in standchart anyway?

Anonymous said...

yea i checked the same info too hes this Head of derivatives documentation and financial operations in stand chartered..

terrible.. the address of the location is same as where one of my friends work.. somehow now they have another new office in changi area but not everyone transferred to new office.

Anonymous said...

His address....?

Anonymous said...

Came to know this blog from the forum. To be honest, when I first read this, I feel sorry for you girls. However, the more I read the more I find that this is getting too much & crossing the border. Imagine if you got the infection but he was not cheating on you, would you be so bothered? I feel the same as one of the comments in the forum that it is everyone's social responsibility to protect themselves. Hunting down people's work place, exposing your sex experience by specifying it was unsafe doesn't make you look in the morally high ground. The guy is stupid enough to leave trails of cheating evidences and you girls are also silly enough to sleep with someone so easily. It takes 2 hands to clap really. Honestly, if I were his gf, I would think twice, and if I were your bf, I would think twice too.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9.05am, of course it's easy for you to comment as a spectator when you weren't one of the girls who got deceived and I guess I don't blame you for making judgement cos you simply have no idea how he lied and conned his way with us girls. And it's pointless to say imagine he passed you an infection if he's not cheating cos the fact is, he WAS/IS cheating and lying. Of course it takes two hands to clap for sure and you can very much say that we deserve it but there's just one lying hand there which is his.

I dunno who was digging out his address cos I think that's pointless also cos it's not like we're gonna go up to his office and kick up a big fuss but I guess maybe people are just curious....

Anonymous said...

is there any one current in this cheater's harem commenting or have you gals moved on sometime ago? hate to think of who might still be with him right now, totally ignorant of the fact what he's like.

B said...

I don't think anyone in the right mind who has read this would still be with him!!! Otherwise, a lobotomy should be in order....

OGT said...

The batch who commented here or know about this have definitely left him. Unless one is seeking at std...

But then again, he'll have his new batch of girls for sure. A leopard will never change it's spots. Unless a HIV leopard then maybe.
Yes hate to think that he's preying on other innocent girls so everyone please relay the message to create awareness! Which wouldn't be hard cause a couple of people (and counting) have already identified him.

The link again.

Anonymous said...

after reading this blog i only wanna say i admire miss b's braveness to stand up, talk about it and not afraid to reveal her own identity. i might be a bit skeptical about all the anonymous "victims" comments as that's no way to verify the validity of the statement made. can someone be really that terrible? not sure but surely someone hates him too much. it's also intersting to see how people (rivals?) stalk on each other on fb!

B said...

Thanks Anon 8.14. It's really not a matter of being brave or what because to begin with, the intention of my blog post is to talk about tell-tale signs of a cheating bf and I didn't even think of exposing who he is. I only left a bit of clue to who he is cos I was pissed off and feeling willful and I never thought much of it. Then the next day, his name showed up and I was surprised that people actually named him and know about his ways.

The rest of the anonymous are real I believe. I dunno how many of them are there or if they're all the same person for that matter but I know for sure that they definitely know him cos they can tell me that asshole's idiosyncrasies like how he'll always give you a late night booty call or how he would hang a plastic trash bag on the door handle etc....And I don't think any bored person would comment on stuff like this cos they can find other stuff to comment about I guess...this is just very personal

Of course people can judge and say we deserve it cos we're so stupid to believe him etc. But really, I believe we're upset because he lied and deceived us. He's definitely not the only guy who cheats and I know personal friends who're after a casual shag but then I think it's okay if the guy's upfront cos then it's up to the girl and there are girls out there who don't want strings attached for whatever reasons. But I guess we're (victims and I) not after a casual fling and this bloody asshole lied and deceived us into thinking that he's after a serious relationship. Now that's despicable. But then again, if you think about it, if he told us he just want a casual shag, we wouldn't be here venting our anger cos then he would have a much lower "hit rate".

I guess I opened a can of worms...full of STD no less and I guess we (victims and I again) feel the need to warn girls about him cos he's both a mental and health hazard....

Anonymous said...

ya come to think about it who knows it is some stalker girls who finally found out he had an episode with miss b & trying to make up stories abt std to make it sound serious & make everyone freak out in order to revenge on that dude? even if the std thingy is true but we don't know who infected who in the first place. like miss b said, there r girls sleep around also. million dollar chicken & egg question. anonymous can say anything they like. also wonder how on earth that dude can be so kind/dumb to inform u all that he's got "something funny" & urged u all to go for testing. be it he's innocent or not he left himself a whole can of worm. lol. quite interested to hear his side of the story.

B said...

Anon 8.47, I don't think the rest of the anons were trying to make it scary with the STD thing cos in anycase, I was the one who brought up the STD issue by saying I went for a full screening cos asshole really did text me to say that he's got "Urinary Tract Infection"...a condition which any healthy young male in his 30s won't get and signs of UTI in young male tend to be an indication of an STD instead. So that's why I brought up the STD issue, only to have one anon said she spotted him taking drugs for herpes...oh well...

But like I said, I doubt the anons who spoke up here were into random shags with him cos otherwise, they wouldn't be so upset about it. And haha, if he's gonna say his side of the story, then it's gonna be something like "Miss B and the anons are just psycho bitches and they're nutters cos they're just so obsessed with me and what they said are all lies etc etc"....that'll be his answer I think...yah but whatever really...some of my friends actually have friends who know him and they said he really does have a reputation even in his own I guess no smoke without fire

Anonymous said...

quite curious to know how many girls this guy slept with but also wonder how many guys that girl agreed to do it unprotected with. think they r both same sort of people, horny and dirty.

Random stranger said...

@Anon 11.47
Having unprotected sex doesn't mean you're dirty or else your folks would be dirty to conceive you. And you can still catch STD even with condoms. Stuff like herpes and gonorrhea can pass on even if you slip on a rubber. In any case, the dirty one should be the cheating asshole.

It's harsh to say that the girl is the same sort of people as the lying man because at least she admitted she got an STD from him and spoke up to warn others when she can jolly well keep quiet about it

Anonymous said...

well no one knows if she did the same thing with other blokes to begin with. a girl can go unprotected with a bloke so easily & talk about it in public think her private life should be questioned too

N said...

So Henry, I didn't know you're monitoring these comments so closely as I do (you do know me by the way and you've conveniently deleted me on your facebook too ;)I just didn't know you would even comment and think that people wouldn't know it's you! Funny cos I took one look and I knew you wrote the last comment from our looooong msn conversation from before. I guess if I were you, I would monitor closely too. After all, people now know about your manwhoring and less than sterling "health condition" when you were caught taking herpes medication (now I know why you suddenly disappeared after you were so keen in the beginning. Herpes wounds take time to heal and go away yes?)

B said...

Hahaha, N, it really does sound like Henry Cullen. I concur!

Anonymous said...

Wow this blog post comments are such exciting read man! Damn juicy lah!just as I thought the comments are dying out then suddenly the bad boy manwhore is supposedly reading the post!

I wonder what's gonna happen if stand chart HR and management get to know about their head of derivatives' bad behaviour loh!? Lol!

OGT said...

Well anon 3.05, looks like you’ve managed to steer the direction of this abit. Nice try bloke!

If it wasn’t for the comments, no one will even know about the unprotected part much less the shocking appearance of so many other parties and I personally have
acquaintances who’ve heard of said person and what kind of reputation he has carved out for himself. Oh such is a ladies man! Yes, you probably forgot to mention the most important part, the std? Gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and what not? It is certainly hard to follow up! What about adding hiv next to boost your collection? And there’ll be definitely no

If scb’s management does know of their fellow counterpart’s extraordinary performance, it might not be such a juicy read for them afterall...maybe them knowing will bring this to new heights?

What say you, bloke?

Anonymous said...

Hey B, this is A3 here. OMG just pop by to look & I'm shocked to see so many comments here!

I must say I'm the luckier one because my episode with him only last for a few months & I pulled myself out of it once I observed his playa behavior & the imbalance of our "relationship" (you know, no weekend shopping, hardly know where he is etc). My episode with him was always, safe. I'm also lucky as I didn't get any "gift" from him in that sense.

Hate his guts of telling obvious lies (doesn't even have the decency to tell a nicer story?) & bad mouthing about us behind our back. Don't mind putting up something like a case study feature in CLEO or HER WORLD. But I think destroying someone's career could be too much? Not sure but I just find that hunting down his work address makes us look cheap. Also work place isn't going to bother about someone's private life. Come on, it's not a kindergarten.

I'm sure he will get his retribution one day. I'm a Buddhist I always believe that somehow he will get it back, big time, one day, maybe from one of those Filippino maid, Thai waitress, or PRC KTV girl!

On the other hand I must say I do agree with one of the Anon comment about one of our "victims" about having unsafe sex with him. Sorry but I have reservation to give my sympathy to her because like myself, I always insist on the safe side. Better be safe than sorry?

To be honest from what I know of this asshole, he wouldn't be bother reading this blog because he doesn't care a thing (if he does, he wouldn't be such an asshole).

B said...

Hey A3!

Nah, there won't be anything about going to his office or anything cos what's the point? But like I said, I think maybe his address got posted cos people are just curious? And nobody said anything about ruining his career anyway though I was told by a friend that people at work kinda know about this already and they're all talking about it and he has already got a bad reputation even before this episode broke out.

But I'm actually pretty sure that he's reading based on the turn of events that happened (like the timing of how he deleted me on his fb after this post went up, then deleted the other victim I know, and then disappearing totally etc). He knows about this and he is reading for sure. And he would cos his reputation is at stake cos being a poster boy for STD isn't the most flattering thing. He does care about himself anyway. But that's all he cares for.

And safe or unsafe sex, it's just important to get tested cos you never know! Herpes gets passed around without condoms too! The thought of it is scary and the fact that he's got herpes but would still sleep around without a condom is plain disgusting and totally irresponsible, let alone lying and deceiving girls. Funny how he got caught by one of the anons taking herpes medication but denies....

Yeah I hope he gets his retribution too. I don't think I hate him anymore cos I'm more amused by the fact that such rotten people actually do exist. Sometimes it makes me wonder how someone can end up becoming such rotten beast....oh well, such is life I guess. We all live and learn.

Anonymous said...

"bloke".... that's way too British, I say. He's here, girls.

Anonymous said...

Definitely henry cullen! Sounds like the henry cullen I know n his intention to comment here is so obvious. He just tried to sway the whole thing from him being a cheating lying jerk spreading STD to blaming the girl instead. Nice try! You're so pathetic henry cullen!

Anonymous said...

Hey B. One thing good that this asshole brought to you is your blog is so popular now. Maybe you will get an offer from some female magazine as editor some day :-)

Like I said before I intended to to expose his disgusting behavior by maybe blackmailing to his FB contacts. But it is not worth me spending so much time & effort on this asshole. If I did that I would have made myself a real psycho as he mentioned!

Agreed with you, we all live & learn. I'm bored about talking about this asshole. Thinking about this name makes me feel sick. It made me avoided watching Twilight! Let those exotic nationalities entertain him. I know those ones wouldn't mind STD or whatever as long as they can squeeze out some money from him. I wish him good luck!

One thing good is that he actually disappeared so those ones in his existing contact list are safe!


B said...

Well I don't care if my silly blog gets popular or not cos I blog for fun anyway but I think I feel better now that a lot of girls and people actually know about his true colors and the truth is finally out. I mean in the past, I would only suspect and I wonder if he's a jerk etc etc...well, now it's proven and I guess I'll never again second guess my intuition.

And no point contacting the people on his FB list cos they probably wouldn't care and he'll just say that the girl's psycho anyway. Like I said, I'm all ready to go to the media to pitch for an expose. In fact, my media contacts are waiting to cover it but so far, nobody's really stepping out to do the no go I guess. Thing is, another friend who's got friends working in Stand Chart told me that he has had a bad reputation for the longest of time. I was told that he's quite a top performer there but then people know he's a creep of sort. And now they know the extend of his disgusting ways and they're not surprised apparently. Only disgusted I heard..haha...

Honestly, it's not an issue of nationality anymore cos he doesn't deserve anything. As long as you're a living breathing human being, regardless of nationality or whatever, he's simply below you cos he's really a bloody pond scum. At least I know now he wouldn't call me out of the blue after disappearing for a month only to say "Hello, how are you? You don't remember me? I miss you baby" gives me the creeps!

Anonymous said...

Hey B, yes, I agreed with you. In fact I'm happy now & feel relieved because
1. It's proven that I'm not a suspicious psycho
2. I made the right choice dumping this asshole
I think for those people who work with him see him everyday should know he's not a "normal" guy. Someone at his age but still single & available?

Hope he is disappearing for good. Searched his name on FB & it's not there anymore. Good news to all girls out there!

BTW do you mind me contacting you on FB? Not to talk about this asshole but maybe share information on beauty products etc :-) I'm a beauty junkie too!


B said...

Hey A3,

Yup, it's good that he's gone for good but let's hope he's really disappeared cos maybe he only deleted us and is now "recruiting" for his new harem. I hope he's not out to lie to girls and spread his STD! Disgusting pond scum.

Sure! Add me on FB and ping me for a beauty junkies sharing session! :)

OGT said...

You all are too nice to give him the benefit of the doubt. I say definitely recruiting his new batch! Not on facebook because he apparently deleted his account but some other dating site and whatever not?

Well keep going on bloke! Aids for you next! :D

Anonymous said...

Yes he's probably online recruiting for his new harem cos I met him on (and he's also on and his username is "speedysnowboarder"...I dunno if he's still there but I met him there.

So girls, be warned! Maybe he should be named "STDsnowboarder"...gross

N said...

And on, he's got the username of "speedy_snowboarder"

Bystander said...


Please unite yourselves against him! Don't let him get away for what he has done!

Anonymous said...

can hardly understand why ppl have to go on dating websites... unless he/she is just so... erm... too desperate... hahaha

Anonymous said...

this dirty person go soo many dating website probably to fish more victims.. so INSTEAD of knowing girls and get into a serious relationship or friendship (most pple in dating website does - NOT ALL THO). hes only out to see which one to date and slp then dump fool her abit..

i have something to share here I used to know this guy who tell lots of lies(one of his stupid lies was my sister's son hurt himself with a knife and she waiting for me to go home to bring him to see doc) - tell me about it whose sister will be so dumb to wait for brother to come back esp when son bleeding badly

and doesnt pick up his calls (can see all his miss calls) worse part is ex gf has his voicemail no. and she rang me to tell about his lies (he even bluff her his real name). + use home phone to ring him (private no.) background with techno music but if use mobile to call he nv pickup.

so girls when you meet this type of man nv believe a single word..

leopard will never change its spots.

Anonymous said...

I must say that I tried to google this goofball guy and I can't find his picture. Anyway, I had an ex who behaves the same way except he fucked his ugly aunty looking and married secretary. Yes it's true.

J said...

His picture's here. from his soccer team thing

He's the last one on the list

Isabella said...

If he sucks, why does it bother you so much? He must have some thing that's worth having for you to put up with this shit. Or were you deluding yourself?

Anonymous said...

how old is this creep? he must be taught a lesson.letting him off is way too easy.

B said...

He's 33 this year. Well I wish I could teach him a lesson but I can't do it alone. I wanted to go to the papers to do an expose so the whole world knows about it but so far I haven't got encouraging response from the girls though

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the anons above.. somehow someone found his pic..

from a link.. its good so everyone knows..

B said...

You mean the soccer team one? Or is there another one?

Anonymous said...

YEA.. that link football one.. (i saw from that link that J post that time)
but you know what i realised that he withdraw his membership with the club on 26/4.. he knows someone here post this link and quickly withdraw/cancel his membership..
he must scared that pple know who is he

Anonymous said...

Spam SCB mail with this blog & its comments....cripple him at work!

The two football teams that he was registered with, no longer has him listed as a player, but I don´t think he has stopped playing for them, just staying off records since the link came up.

So much for guessing if he´s reading this blog. We have the answer! Girls, keep your plots private.

B said...

Oh how do you know he withdrew from the soccer team? Or he just removed his picture?

Haha feel free to spam scb! But I don't think I'm in the best position to do that though!

OGT said...

Of course he has been reading it all along! Else why the sudden deleting on facebook after having all his 'fun times' then he disappeared altogether. Okay he's not on either. Where is speedy_snowboarder! Where else can i (fan girl) find him? Please assist.

Now he knows the next step. So what next? Quit scb? Maybe he should just go back and spread STD in his hometown.

B said...

Haha didn't know he would disappear from the soccer team and even the dating sites too! Good cos then he won't prey on more girls but I think he's just laying low now. Give him a month or so and he'll be back on prowling for girls to sleep with and lie to....

I hope his bosses and company know about his deeds! hmmm....

Sympathizer said...

Well, curiosity strucked me and i went to google his name for a photo. Just for verification, is his bday 2/26/1977;
Nationality: British?

If yes, i might have found his pic in the old link of espzen. :P

Leaving my comment here because i sincerely sympathize with you gals (those that have been tainted by him). And i thought it might be good to share this info and sorta bring awareness to the rest of the gals. :)

I'll save the pic of him, just in case it got taken down again. :P

Anonymous said...

Yes that's him!

Sympathizer said...

Ooo. I could send u the photo via email. But... Hmm... How are we able to hide our identity. Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

lol can't believe such a decent blog attracts typical boliao wanbao readers too. r u sure u r saving that asshole's pic in ur pc just for warning purposes & not for urself to admire? aren't u worried ur pc might kena virus? haha. did u save the wendy chong's pic too? send a copy to me leh

B said...

@Sympahtizer, thanks but I don't need his picture cos I have some "archive" in case I need it for whatever reason...haha...

@Anon 10.12am, yes, unfortunately, it's got a very strong wan bao feel to this want his pictures?? I can send you hahaha....but can't promise your PC will not kena virus though LOL...

Sympathizer said...

@Anon 10:12 - I'm just saving it cuz it's removed in multiple webbies that's mentioned here. And well... He's not that good looking. So definitely not a keepsake for admiration. Lastly, it's a photo that was archived in google image.

Conversely, i do admire your skill of imagination.

@B - alrighty. Time to rid of that foto. :) Good luck to all who are standing up against him.

B said...

@sympathizer, hey I appreciate you offering to send the photos! Nice of you :) but yup, no need cos I have them! Haha!

Anonymous said...

Picture time!

Anonymous said...

Scary that such a guy exists but my friend encountered such a lying cheating jerk as well.

And from the picture... this henry cullen is sure ugly. o_o

Anonymous said...

How cruel is that to imply the "victims" here have such bad taste to be cheated by an "ugly" man. That's really cruel.

Anonymous said...

wow, Mr Spock just got VERY popular. and girls, he's WAY older than 33 because he always lie about his age. and without being racist, he shags Filipino maids AND nurses. typical ang moh that thought he could getaway with ANYTHING!

B said...

Anon 12.39am, what do you mean he lied about his age? I thought he really is 33? He lied about his age too?? Why would he do that? Not that I don't believe it but just surprised he would lie about it

Anonymous said...

OMG is it for real? How do u know abt his real age & the nurse thing?

OGT said...

How very interesting for a mid week. The revelation of more dirt. Did you see his IC/passport, which anon are you anyway? Looks somebody's not sneaky enough.

Anonymous said...

I had a bad crush on this guy for the longest of time..But I kept my distance from him coz i know he isn't who I wish him to be (my 6th sense). Henry babe you probably can guess who I am.He does like "Animal" & keeps a few..Miss B. What I din know is the extent of what he has done..It's shocking..And I'm jus so utterly thankful to God for that few times I almost lost my head to 'meet' him, he would say something that messes up everything , and all that actually saved me from any bit of the terrible episodes I read here. Girls out there who get ridiculed for reserving yourself for marriage, KNOW u are SPECIAL in God's eye and ur future husband's.NEVER give in to people who don't care.

B said...

You're lucky you didn't go meet him cos otherwise it would be a big mistake. But how did you know he's got a harem of girls?

Anonymous said...

Do u mean u didn't meet him at all or u didn't sleep with him?

Anonymous said...

B..when i first knew him..He jus started his fb acct..But when i saw the "Sometimes i wanna kiss you" comment way back ..I roughly guessed he can't be someone faithful in a relationship. So I kept my distance though I still like to chat with him n stuff...because he IS very cute & smart. And sometimes u think a bloke who's gd to his folks can't be too bad a person. When we did meet (outside) he left me smitten (like how he left others). But I kept my head over my heart.U know how he doesn't pick up calls, so from the start I never felt sincerity n will never be with someone I can't trust. Times he invited me over, I resisted much. Those few crazy moments I almost fell,he probably was busy with someone and couldn't have me over.I Thank God so much for saving me from those times,even when I was so rebelious to almost break my principles and fall straight into the ditch. He is probably the worst crush I had to get over..So when he deleted his fb acct, it was a gd coz it means u no longer get to see how this person is doing, though u still like him, u won't see him online anymore.. All that changed after reading ur blog, which he definitely follows. The moment I see one of the comments, I knew he wrote it without having to read the decoding below. What goes around, comes around,Henry. I hope u would change for the better and find true meaning in life some day, soon.

Anonymous said...

For clarity I would jus call myself 'A' here.Jus wrote a long reply to B about the harem qn. Also the one who wrote abt reserving oneself for marriage. So don't know why another anon would ask if I din meet him or din sleep with him..Hope it isn't Henry himself but I did meet him (even on his memory foam bed)before.But we jus talk and did nothing coz he knew what kind of girl I am and was controlled. He was careful and knew it can't be fun when the girl isn't fully willing to give in..anyway,or all the way.

B said...

Hey A, well good that he didn't get too far with you. Think the other anon asked if you met him cos you mentioned you almost lost your head to "meet" him...cos for awhile I wonder if you actually met him in person too cos he has thing for having online chat and all.

So how did you come across this post? Just curious

Anonymous said...

Hey more Henry online or anywhere since he went off fb n msn i jus googled to see if he got anymore famous than jus espzen...and apparently he did with ur post :)

What I meant earlier was I almost lost my head to give any part of myself to him..He's enticing afterall..what held me back all this while was the harem I suspected. So din wanna share any moment with him that I'd regret later. Once told me he bought the many toiletries according to the scent he likes..And I thought the "Animal" on his drum set was rather cute.

How are you B,overall if u know what I mean.. May I add u to fb or something? :) I think unknowingly your post has saved many others from further heartaches or Worst with H. You Go Gal!! :D -- A

B said...

Hey A,

You know when I wrote about the post, I never expected that there'll be a lot of girls and victims to come expose him. So when I saw the first two comments, I was shocked and then more dirt come out. It's good that he knows that we know but I doubt he's following this post already cos it's been almost 2 months ago anyway. But at least it feels good to know that HE KNOWS WE KNOW that he's a total asshole.

I'm totally okay cos I was over him very long ago but then when I found out a mutual friend of my colleague was one of his victims, it kinda confirmed my suspicion cos all the while I've never caught him red-handed so it was quite liberating to know that I was right after all. And I've moved on long ago anyway and I'm not really affected anymore though I really had hell with him for a very long time.

Sure you can add me on fb! :) I hope you've moved on least I think this post kind confirm your suspicion too and now there's a proper closure

Anonymous said...

heh heh.. he would randomly check this post still,it's all abt him after all :P And since I never did start anything with him..I got away easy a long time ago too... It was a liking for someone over an extended period..with hope that he really Is whom he portrayed himself to be.. the good boy and all (horny tho..) But I jus dun trust coz of the various signs that shows his tail..part of at least. Tho he couldn't get anything outta me we remained in contact on & off. So your post is like an uber wake-up call to me that I was spot-on from the start & he actually fared worst than i thought..So i should jus forget abt him n stop wasting time..Is he really the walking health hazard as mentioned? My spine chilled that night as i read all the comments on ur blog till late..spooky..-- A

B said...

I doubt he's still checking cos it's a bit of a dead link now no? But wouldn't be surprised if he checks in every now and then.

Nope, he's definitely not what he portrays himself to be cos he never fulfills his promises and would just do the bare minimal to keep you there. It's rubbish.

And yes, he is a walking health hazard. One of the anons spotted him with herpes medication...whether he has it or not I don't know but I swear on my entire family's life he texted me to tell me he's got urinary tract infection and well the doctor already said normal grown healthy men wouldn't get it and it's usually an indication of a STD. I still have the sms in my old phone.

I do wonder how he is now or if he's got new preys in bed etc...just curious really....LOL...

Amanda said...

Just curious, how did you girls know this guy... dating website or via mutual friends etc? And how many different ones leaving comments here and were you all dating him at the same time? It's unbelievable that a guy can sleep with so many girls at one go. How did he do that?

B said...

Hey Amanda,

If I'm not wrong, there're at least 7 of us out there, at least! I'm almost sure there's more and I dunno if the 7 were with him all at the same period but I'm very very very sure that he multi-timed us cos the stray strand of hair in bed, the lovey dovey fb comments etc all happened concurrently. So there you did he do it? Well, easy. He just have a different girl ever night. Like I'll be the Saturday girl, and there's a sunday girl, a monday tuesday etc...and while he's with others, he'll just text you sweet nothing and call you to check in...kinda doing the bare minimal to keep you there you go...he's a filthy piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Woah..B..what a great answer u hv for our new member of the Ex-H club...or maybe we shall call it Axe H? :D Anyway Amanda..whatever that B said abt the Monday to Sunday thing..I once joked to H abt it..if not twice..can't remember if he laughed it off or humbly said he hasn't got that much choice..needs a rest day or a few to 'recharge' afterall? Eeew..And trust us..he Can multi-task..How can a top performer of Scb not do so? One thing I thought B might like to know too is....How did u come across this forum? Is it a similar case to mine?--A

Anonymous said...

Hey B, guess what? One of my older aunty friends said she's quite gd with character assessment via one look of a person's face..She calls it Character Assassination.. I said to her with H's face there's no way u can tell whatever he really is from the start,plus his well-manners when going out with u (or off the bed in general) won't help. Then my friend meant half-jokingly with me that if any of the victims here happened to be her daughter, she will whack him herself n make a report on the disease-spreading.Then she told me a story of how a handsome HK guy called off wedding with a Jap to marry a China lady. Then poor Jap lady ratted on the cheat with Miss China..Then both clawed n clobbered HK guy till he landed in hospital. And of the guy hadn't the audacity to lodge a report..Imagine 8 women on H...he will have his wildest dreams come alive..with 8 gd hrs of sweet torture, but he may lose his willie forever by then.. :D :D--A

Amanda said...

Hi Miss B... so you mean you didn't get to spend much time with this guy then? Just curious, then how the relationship developed? I mean, my bf & I meet at least 3 times a week... Didn't you ask to see him more? Read some of the comments & it's really terrible. Hope he really disappear for good.

Hi A... not sure if your question was directed to me or I understand your question correctly? I'm not one of this guy's girls :) I simply just follow Miss B's blog mainly to get beauty news updates & reviews but happened to read this post as I was clicking on the latest comments :)

B said...

Hey A if only all the girls get to go bash him up! Nah...that wouldn't hurt him cos you need to destroy his career to ruin him or something along that line...but whatever...I don't care anymore cos I'm just glad he disappear. I do wonder if he's got new victims though...hope he's not spreading his STD at least

Amanda, I did get to spend time with him. It's a bit on and off cos I would pull back at some point, and take a step back and I wouldn't really contact him but then he would at that point, call and do whatever to get me back. And when it's on the "on" mode, we saw each other 2 times a week average. it was really borderline case. But the thing is, whenever I raised a red flag and pulled back, he would then chase me back and get me back with all his sweet nothing and suddenly super nice and he's got lots of excuse like his work and what-nots. So it dragged on for a long time.

So in a way, I was kind of glad he got busted cos it's the last nail in the coffin kinda know what i mean?

Passerby said...

Hey B,

You mind leaving your email behind so I can contact you? Don't worry, me no journalist :)

B said...

Hey Passerby,

Just wondering what you'd like to ask me? Mind sharing a bit first?

Passerby said...

Haha, happen to know someone working in SCB and will like to know if you wanna take further action

B said...

Hey passerby, of course I wanna take it up further but then what can scb do right? I mean they can't exactly meddle with their staff's personal life right? And he's probably not the only manwhore in scb too I assume.

But yeah email me!!

Anonymous said...

Hey B...i jus got back to SG.. Will write ya on gmail soon n maybe we could Gchat or something... I guessed ur name correctly all this while :P

Anonymous said...

He gave me std

Anonymous said...

He gave me std

B said...

Omg! What std and when? I'm sorry to hear that!

Passerby said...

This worthless piece of shit should be stopped!!!!

B said...

I hope it's not recent! I mean he already knows he got busted by all the girls he lied to since he knew of this post and read the comments and if our anon recently got STD from him, he ought to be deported back to UK and some intervention needs to be in place!

Anonymous said...

is his dick big? any comments on his sexual prowess?

Anonymous said...

OMG...this is so shocking. I was infatuated with this guy for a few months back in 2008.

Biggest asshole. he even told me I am the first Asian girl he has ever dated.

Thanks, B, for broadcasting this. I hope u get to bring him down in one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Is this him?

He doesn't look good here :O

B said...

Yes that's him. And it's not the most flattering picture I agree.

Anyway Anon 12.34am, you're definitely not the first Asian girl he dated! He lied. How long did you date him for? And how did you know about this post? Just curious...

Anonymous said...

I think you girls should come forward and report your cases to the NewPaper to warn other girls of the potential danger that they could face. The Newpaper hotline is 1800-7334455

Anonymous said...

Hey B, Anon 1.53pm sounds like Henry himself...Which girl in the right state of mind will still wanna know those answers after reading that he's an all-in-one stop for...?!?


B said...

Hey A, I don't care if it's him. Maybe it is, but it could also be some curious people too...whatever really.

And anon 3.47, well, I wouldn't mind exposing him on national paper but I don't think the rest of the girls are keen cos I already mentioned in my previous post that I wanna bring this up to the tabloid newspaper but none no go I guess

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So you got played, why ?
why are singapore girls so Gullible ?

were you looking for a nice guy, or were you looking for a rich guy,

Credit Card, Condo, Cash

if he had taken you back to his studio HDB flat in woodlands, would you have given it up so easily ?

B said...

Victor aka anon 2.07, yes I got duped but NO, I was looking for a nice guy not a rich guy because you know what? I already have my own condo under my own name, and enough cash and luxury goods that I buy MYSELF and just so you know, I'm quite loaded myself. HE's NEVER spent anything more than a normal dinner on me. In any case, I bought HIM stuff. And if you think I'm just saying this, then you're free to come visit my condo and my collection of designer bags while I show off my bank account to you. So maybe you should get your facts straight before you jump into conclusion and make your own judgment.

And just so you know, I'm not exactly a Singaporean. So I'm not your "singapore girl" and since you didn't get fucked by him and experience all his lies, it puts you in no position to judge me and all the other girls for that matter. And if what I said is not what you want to hear or if you're about to launch into some scathing attack and judgment, I advise you actually don't and consider moving your cursor to that little "cross" on the corner of your browser and click. Thank you.

curious said...

if this guy didn't plan his time with u, didn't hold ur hand when u were out, & didn't even spend any $ on u, then why did u still date him & sleep with him?

that's too easy?

B said...

Thing is, he did hold my hand but very sporadically and in retrospect, I realized he only held my hands in places that aren't crowded. He did spend money but it's just like meals and stuff so it's not like I paid for everything and I have my own money so I don't need him to buy me things or anything. As for the time planning thing. He said his schedule is very irregular becos of his job and I do know investment bankers do have crazy hours cos I have some friends who're bankers too. So I bought it but little did I know much later that he was busy bonking other girls when he was supposedly busy at work.

Anonymous said...

if he is not an angmoh i'm sure u girls won't be ranting here as u won't be so "understanding" towards a local guy & u would have dumped him & wouldn't consider giving urselves to him anyway. he's an asshole but good that there is an asshole to teach u girls a lesson that angmoh aren't the best. get real

SPG said...

Oh anon 4.30 sounds like a typical local loser guy who feels inferior and threatened by ang moh men. If you have any social grace, you wouldn't be saying crap that like. And I guess I'd rather be cheated by an asshole ang moh man than date local men like me SPG if you want. Whatever but the nasty stuff you said proved to me that local men like you really have no grace

local guy said...

Haha then don't rant and look for revenge after you kena cheated, SPG :)

Anonymous said...

So B, How many Designer Hand bags do you have ?

SPG said...

Haha, local boy, I've never got cheated by ang moh men. I'm not one of the cullen girls to begin with. I'm married to an ang moh man in fact. For 6 years now. We're happy with 2 kids. So you sore local boy, stop the ang moh bashing to save yourself some pride. Not all ang moh men are bad and not all women who date or marry ang moh are SPG. So about time you get out of your sore little world and be more open-minded.

Anonymous said...

If you are handsome and articulate like Mr Cullen, I guess there's no need to have money to bonk girls. In fact, i don't think girls would mind paying to bonk him. lol

Anonymous said...

any girls care to give a detailed fuck review about him? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:52.. Certainly hope u ain't Henry himself as u present urself as an absolute daft dork thinking girls would wanna pay him to get STDs..He's no gay in case u wanna pay him for a bonk.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I know this guy. Charming and all, lucky I managed to dodge this one. Was not so lucky with another manwhore that broke my heart, so I sympathize 100%. But reading this does give me some delight, at least one of them is suffering.
- My manwhore leaves at UE square, he is a tall American Chinese dude. First name starts with R, family name starts with F. So if someone like that invites you over to "chill" - avoid him, everything you mentioned in your blog posting (the "warning signs") echos with this one too. :) Girls unite!

Anonymous said...

We are getting married this year end! Eat your hearts out girls!

N said...

Ho ho ho! Congrats! You're marrying henry cullen? Well if so, then I hope your health insurance covers Herpes and other STD and your marriage last long till death by "genital cauliflower" do you guys apart! At least if you catch him in bed with a Filipino maid, you can still get good alimony.

someone said...

That's really a very sour comment. If u r really marrying him then wish u guys all the best. Hope that he has really changed after all this and settles down with u.

OGT said...

Don't even bother with the "changed man" theory. How about "A leopard can never change it's spots" instead?

Anonymous said...

He answers all my calls and we meet like every weekend. I think he is for real this time. Sorry ladies...

Anonymous said...

Omg, anon 5.28.....its not like you won a trophy. The catch is hardly a prized one and you're bragging abt being Mrs Cullen?? duh!! The strangest thing is that ypu know all about him but yet you're getting involved with him??? Stupidity?? Too wrapped up in his lies??? Kudos to you for believing that he has changed. Do take care. Like what OGT said, get yourself insured FULLY.

Anonymous said...

I have one question..
in which year were you girls dating him? I just want to know so I can piece together some missing links for myself and close this chapter of my life once and for all.

anon x

Anonymous said...

Anon 5.28 n 2.32..Did u try checking on him in the weekdays? So what wedding preparations have u started on since he proposed to you? I'm amazed to see ur declaration here..Do share more of how he convinced you?

Anonymous said...

hi gals i have been following the blog for awhile now but has resisted commenting since i work in his dept. but now this is getting too ridiculous. i think the declaration of the marriage is either by cullen himself or is by one of the managers under him (name: Y***). Since the last time i see him in her car to work is just a month ago.

Anonymous said...

oh by the way, instead of just broadcasting here, any victims keen to really take revenge on this ass? i have some ammo good enough to cause some damage for him... at the minimum. But ill like to cause him max damage to kick his ass out of the country or even off to prison, maybe. If anyone is interested to provide more ammo, please give a shout here and Ill will find a way to link up and do it.

B said...

Haha...I honestly wasn't even paying much attention to the marriage proposal thing cos for all you know, it might just be some silly prank. And I don't quite care.

As for anon 7.34, I don't think you need anymore info to close this case for your life cos I guess he's busted, whether all his cheating coincide with your timeline isn't an issue cos the point is, he's a bloody wanker who cheats period. But just to let you know. He's been in contact with me since end 2007. Disappeared for some time and did the on and off thing and I last heard from him end 2009. Hope that answers your question...

@anon1.16, just curious, I heard he does have a bit of a reputation at work. is it true? like people know that he kinda chases anything that wears a skirt. That's what I heard from a couple of people I know in his company...yeah he's disgusting

And for anon 3.15, what kinda plan do you have in mind?

Anonymous said...

Hi B, you can refer me as Disgusted because thats how i feel all the time im working under him, especially when i look through this site which apparently is spreading around the dept. (hopefully the whole bank)

yeah, he has a big reputation for only talking to of my guy colleagues said he has only spoken 1 sentence to him in 2 the old office, he will walk out of his cubicle and talk to the girls there all the time but ignore the guys.

but he is also careful in the office and not flirt too much when others are around but when he gets a chance to see the girls outside, the flirting and the testing water will start... of course some girls will reciprocate and im pretty sure some of them are dying to sleep with him or have done so.. not sure about them but one thing everyone is sure.. the manager under him (Y***) divorced her hubby after cullen came to the dept.. after they have been spotted all the time in and out of the office together, with her buying breakfast for him everyday... but then he dumped her after that when he got new holes to plug.. tho she still has a thing for him so they still get spotted on and off throughout these years... what a slut.

Reputation... YES DEFINITELY.. but not sure if the bigger shots in the bank knew about his exploits outside and also in the office! apparently, someone spotted him being intimate with an auditor before inside the office!! i rem one photo flying around once 2 years ago when someone captured a shot of him and the auditor in the office with the hands in erm.. some compromising place. anyone still have that photo? im sure anon Revenge will be interested to have that.

B said...

OMG...there's so much dirt but then again, I'm not surprised. But just didn't know it's THAT bad. And it's kinda gross that he doesn't talk to the guys and only girls...what a twat.

And I hope that Y person didn't divorce the husband because of Henry (eww feel even gross typing his name) but whatever, I don't give a damn.

But he actually kicked it and fondled an auditor? Was it an external auditor? And someone actually took a snap shot? And what can you do with that incriminating photo? I thought the company would care about the employee's personal life?

OMG this silly thread really has gotten a life of its own. I swear I never expect this....

Anonymous said...

Well done B and all the contributors to this blog..Welcome to you Disgusted ..Tis A here :D You jus gave more life to this blog! (which i have under my favorites entitled "Henry's disgusting feeds" :O) I thot it was quiet for a while here since i told that henry-wannabe-gay not to pay h for a bonk..that was a really sick guy.

I do remember henry's DnD photos with a coke bottle n this lady placing her hand near his shoulder..Is that Y***?? it's so true that women give sex hoping to get love whereas men r so opposite. And B, i totally agree with you that it does feel more eww typing that name by now .. can't believe he once told me he quitted lovelinks in march 08' coz he said "I've got you now" to me :O

Anonymous said...

omg.. another piece of ammo.. great!! B, i think i have enough shit on him to put him out of his misery in singapore.. im sure his company will be concerned about their infamous employee... not to mention some of the shit might pull him up to court at the minimum. If you are reading this, cullen, i suggest you get your ass out of Singapore before its too late.. you should just stick to paying your normal geylang and joo chiat girls instead of being so stingy. in fact, if im not wrong, you have been seen around these 2 places and i dont mean on the streets... So pls go put your sore STD-inflamed dic* into the girls of another country, not here. Else, get ready for the ride of your life when i get started!!
Anon Disgusted, keep reading this blog. Ill have a way to link us up once more people respond.. Victims or near-victims of this ass, anyone got any shit on him, any incriminating photo or message that is somewhat illegal or at least will put him to shame? its about time he get punished for the things he does in our country, probably just because he thinks he is angmoh and the girls go crazy over him.

B said...

Oh yes, I heard he's been spotted visiting brothels and bringing hookers or something because once he told me that some malicious people at work actually started rumours about him and he said it's some loser guy at work who's jealous of him blah blah I totally think he did go bang hookers and all.

But anon, what plan do you have in mind? Like what warrants court appearances and stuff? It's more than just him screwing around and conning girls right?

OGT said...

Sounds like fun times are just not meant to end. Wanted to put 'it just begun' then i realised this post is 4 months and counting. Wow! Still getting reads and comments!

Honestly, the person who raised the 'marriage scam' is so him. Not that i know him personally but pretty obvious. That or some std chick on his camp. Seems like he doesn't want this to end afterall...or maybe he doesn't believe a single blog post can destroy all that he's screwed...

Well now, time to pull out the stops and see where can this go! Enjoy the ride you guys. Baby hen deserves every bit of it! ;)

Anonymous said...

great to see this coming alive..
B, of course its not about him screwing around. thats not illegal.. but..... maybe molest or even rape?? it might be a long ride because its his words against me and/or the others.. but it will keep him on the news for a long time... and im sure good old standard chartered bank will be more than concerned on him, though i heard that his position there is not as high as what he claims to be and he got there through contacts and not substance... anyone working there can add on to his working capability... in the office, not outside..?

back to the real stuff, anyone else with ammo for me to kill him even more?? im going to work on 2 fronts. one on the legal front which im already starting on and one on the news front, which I have some nice images of him in not very appropriate attire and i think some erm.. STD-infected area.. pls look through your past messages or photos and let me know if you have any other things. oh, by the way, Disgusted, able to get hold of the photo of him and the auditor in the office? Though its not illegal by far, i am sure certain people are interested in that...
in case you gals are worried, dont worry. Ill make sure all stuff are anonymous and will block out any info concerning you gals.. Im goign to set up a facebook account which is going to be totally private and then you gals can message me. Ill respond only if im sure you are not him. Will let you all know. Im so excited to see him piss in his pants now!!

B said...

OMFG!? Hang on, you mean he molested/sexually assaulted you and you're gonna take legal action? Cos you mentioned the legal part.

And you've got pictures of his "diseased bits"? How the hell did you manage to get it?

Anonymous said...

I cant say too much or he will know who i am.. cant say too much now at least, till i file a report.. lucky that my bf now is a lawyer so hes telling me what i didnt know.. my rights!! as a woman!! anyway, i think forcing himself on me is not exactly molest. but if i refuse and he does it again, then it is outrage of modesty. Im sure im not the only one he does that to anyway. its his way of testing how easy we are.. im ashamed to say that i gave in after like 2 times... but i was informed that the frist 2 times are still counted as 2 counts of molest.

And regarding the pictures, the stupid ass has the cheek to send me that when he wanted me over. oh well.. that is another count of insult of modesty. But i dont want to just kill him on the legal front. i want to put him on the news for all to see.. so these will be intersting news for any reporter i think.

B said...

OMG...I hope he gets what he deserves...but yes, he can be very insistent and would keep trying his luck. Just the way he is I guess. Yes, you'd better not say too much in this thread of comments cos I suspect he must be following its progress. mean he actually sent you pictures of his "diseased bits"? He might just said it's not his...knowing that sly snake...

B said...

Hey one more thing, how did you get to know about this post? Just curious...

Anonymous said...

haha a bit hard for him to deny with his name all over it.. anyway i wonder how to get pass the censorship for the news. i will love to see his big one go right onto the newspaper..

and yes, i thought that i gave in already so he can always deny it. But my bf advises me that its not just his words against mine.there is something called the lie detector test that the police uses (though not used totally in court)..
for such cases, his name will go into the news but mine will definitely be private. I might not even need to go the court as well. And if he dares to bother me after my report, then the police will just take care of it.

i heard about your blog from my bf who heard it from his friend who heard it from someone who worked there before.. apparently the guys spread this blog around for laughter against the angmohs.. haha.. 4 degree of separation there.. nice to meet you by the way, B.

i hope i can get some more of victims out there to file the report together but i guess its going to be hard to do that so ill do that myself. just hope that i have more ammo to hold against him other than my case.. once i do it, i really hope that ill never see him again. ever.

half of me hopes hes following this and will get out of singapore so that i dont have to even go to the police but half of me hope that he stay because i really really hope to see him rot in jail, or at least become the famous one in singapore news before he fled back home.

you know what i mean..

Anonymous said...

"He's ruined there..Ruined!!" --Phantom of the Opera--A :D

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