Friday, April 09, 2010

Are you dating a cheater??

Well, I got a nasty blast from the past...couple of days ago, I found out that an ex of mine was cheating on me because a friend of mine knows someone whom he was cheating on about six degrees of separation...nah, make it 2 degrees! CLearly the other victim and I were comparing notes and boy, there's so much dirt from it! That guy's a total manwhore bad fish! Thing is, he wasn't just cheating on me with one person, I've concluded that he's probably whoring around, shagging the whole village and humping whatever that wears a skirt and you know what? I wasn't even surprised to find out that he was a cheater cos I think at the back of my head, I already knew cos I saw little tell tale signs but then he denied so vehemently, coming out with all sorts of excuses. I've never caught him red-handed....but then now, all those little signs made sooooo much sense! And so, I'm gonna list out all the signs that the guy you're dating might be a cheater....

Okay, to begin with, I must put in some background info. I wasn't living with him but I used to stay over his place every now and then, so these signs below apply to those who're not living together. It applies to those you're recently dating cos signs like a sudden increase in personal grooming habits as seen in those cheating bastards in a long relationship or marriage won't apply...So here you go for the ready?

Tell-tale Signs That Your Man Might Be A Cheating Manwhore:
  • He's got new strange gifts and items at a new soft or anything that a straight man wouldn't Mr Asshole's place, I found a sudden emergence of soft toy of the muppet "Animal". Both small miniature one and larger one. Knowing him, he'll never buy it himself and when I questioned how come he's got a new soft toy, he said his mom sent him and well I believed him....(given the fact that he was one of the miracle children that his mother popped out in her late 40s who used to be told she was infertile)....stupid me I know...
  • He's got a lot of different toiletries in the bathroom....look, most men are very very practical and they'll only have one shower gel, one shampoo, one conditioner if he's more metrosexual, one facial wash, one body lotion if he's vain with dry skin, one face moisturizer and whatever that's basic....the key word is "the lack of variety" will not find a myraid of different brands for you to choose from and with Mr Asshole, he's got quite a nice collection....with a sudden appearance of new brands....ohhh, he even has a shower know the girlie pouffy one? I should have known better
  • He doesn't pick up your call for a prolonged period of time....why? Not because he's busy in a meeting, not because he's asleep but he's with another chick....
  • He wouldn't pick up calls while you're with him....why? Booty call from another chick from the harem...
  • He block you from his facebook wall and friend list....once upon a time, Mr Asshole suddenly had some skanky girl in bikini (profile picture) wrote on his wall "Oh I'm gonna miss you so so so so much! Sending you all my love!"...that's before he was about to fly off for 2 weeks....I questioned him and he said it's just some headhunter he met up and that girl was all over him and she's a nutter....not only did he subsequently delete those remarks, he also blocked me from seeing his wall activities and friend list....too much privacy=dodgy
  • He has people sending him cards and night at Mr Asshole's place, I saw a card with hand written words "Miss you Baby X (X stands for his name)". He sneakily switched off the light with one hand while using the other hand to take the card away and tucked it somewhere. But me being as sharp as a samurai sword, I saw! I questioned him obviously, he said it's just some a very close friend overseas whom he helped and she wrote him a thank you note...she's like a sister blah blah blah....WTF? I was dumb....
  • You see strands of hair in his bed that don't belong to you....nuff said right? I once fished out a very long strand of hair in his bed but guess what? He said it's the maid's and he even convincingly threw a fit about me being suspicious and not trusting him and shit about why I'm always suspicious etc...he deserves an Oscar....I mean an Oscar statue shoved up his arse hole that is
  • Girl clothes would be quite an obvious sign but that I didn't encounter. My friend, on the other hand did...which brings me to the next point...
  • He would so very religiously make you bring all your stuff back home cos why? So that the next girl who comes in won't see it. Mr Asshole would make sure I get ALL MY BELONGINGS with me after I stay over...
  • There's more than one toothbrush and it's not in some masculine color....Mr Asshole said he bought those in a pack so they come in assorted color inclusive of girlie color and the other one is meant to be in the shower but one day after his shower, it dropped and he picked it up and put it next to the sink instead cos he didn't want to wet his feet after he dried off...cunning lies
  • The spare bathroom has got toiletries.... men=minimal......straight men would probably only leave a hand soap in the other bathroom and toilet roll...hand towel if he's meticulous....Asshole's place has a full set of shower gel, Clairol Herbal Essence shampoo in some rose scent and what not...excuse?? Oh those are my mom's when she was here to visit
  • If your intuition tells you that he's cheating....ALWAYS trust your own intuition! But I don't mean the psychotic PMS outburst...thing is, I kinda long suspected that he's a bad fish but I guess I was waiting for actual evidence...the other girl whom he was playing with/cheating on had exactly the same gut feel that he was cheating and guess what? We are both right! Never disregard a woman's intuition!
Ohhhhh one more point....If he's some banker from Standard Chartered Bank with the same family name as the world's most famous fictional vampire (the one that all the teenage girls are going gaga over...), then he IS a cheater! !00%!


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Anonymous said...

I left comment here before and I periodically check in to see if there is any updates. Shocked to see there are now 200 comments. I must say I had let go of all these for quite some time. But now I am thinking again.

Anon Revenge, pardon me for being a bit skeptical. I just wonder, if you felt that he forced on you for the 1st time, they why did you meet him for the 2nd, 3rd... time and gave him the chance? Also, if you felt assulted, shouldn't you voice it out much earlier? Well, he did send me photos, you know, self portriats but not to the extend to what you mentioned. How exactly did you get hold of them?

I agree with B that the marraige proposal should be from some prank. We could be stupid to have fall for this guy, but we are not that stupid to believe some prank's comments.

I just feel there are people around trying to contribute "shocking" comments, to stir up we real victims' anger and waiting to see a show. As Anon Revenge mentioned, this link has been passing around to so many irrelevant people. Btw, Anon Revenge, how did your bf know you were once linked to this guy?

Anonymous said...

Hi A, this is Disgusted. Im not sure if who you are saying is Y***. I actually expect someone to say her name out just like how cullen's name was blurted out at the start of this blog. Anyway Y*** is a slut who got dumped and yet still cant get over it, still wanting him. Guess its because she got divorced because of him, so its hard to get over it. Im so glad you gals are all totally over him. Anon Revenge, I cant wait to see him out of the office!! I think most of us working under him will be sooooo glad to see him go!!! Ill look for the picture with the auditor.. Someone should still have it. Let me know when you set up the facebook account!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon Disgusted, no I'm not saying it's that Y person you mentioned. I actually think it's some guy who is trying to make fun of this thread. But you sound like you hate this Y person a lot & you also know her very well. I'm just surprised that you made quite harsh comment on this person too, isn't she a victim as well? Like I said I am a bit skeptical about all the shocking comments so I just want to make sure we real victims are not being used in any other way. Btw, you mentioned you are working in his department now, was it something that you were offended at work and therefore you are wanting to see revenge to happen or were you personally involved with him?

B said...

Hey Disgusted, does that Y person have super long hair and her surname starts with T? Just figuring out cos I'm trying to remember the names of girls who had commented on his FB when he was still around...Kinda curious...

Anyway, anon Revenge, yes the Lie Detector aka the Polygraph test is sometimes used but it's never a very good gauge cos it's not 100% accurate so I dunno man...

And to Anon Revenge's defense, from a psychological point of view, sometimes when something shocking happens (ie. that pond scum forcing himself on her), you go into a bit of a confusion and mini shock and you'll go through days trying to figure out what just happened and all that. So a 2nd meeting is indeed possible to assess the situation that happened, so it's not uncommon that molest victims who got sexually assaulted by their personal friends actually do have more than one encounter with the person who molests them. This is according to professional social workers and counsellors etc cos I do know quite a lot of them and we spoke about this before...

Anyway, I'll look forward to your Anti-cullen facebook group! I'll definitely help you with whatever info I can provide. He's the most despicable person I've ever known...ought to be chemically neutered or put to sleep...

Anonymous said...

Isn't he a social hazard to all the girls in our country??How many more of somebody's daughter gonna get hurt by getting a disease that stays for life??

Anonymous said...

In order to protect our own identity, we have to resort ourselves by using this comment space to exchange information which unfortunately, in turn leaked information out to HJC. Highly possible that he will be on his guard and thinking ahead to get himself protected.

Anonymous said...

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

Anonymous said...

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon 8.39, of course i know Y***. Shes working under cullen too. And yeah, i cant talk much about it because Im still working there. but just take it that Cullen tried something on me even tho he knew i was attached. but luckily it never continued.. then when Y*** saw me and him getting close in the office, i can feel daggers from her eyes each time and guess wat.. i have been marked by her ever since!
and all this is after her divorce and after he blatantly dumped her for other girls.. what a slut!!

B, her surname starts with C. i dont think shes on fb.


Anonymous said...

"let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"

Anonymous said...

Envy (also called invidiousness) is best defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."[1]
Envy can also derive from a sense of low self-esteem that results from an upward social comparison threatening a person's self image: another person has something that the envier considers to be important to have. If the other person is perceived to be similar to the envier, the aroused envy will be particularly intense, because it signals to the envier that it just as well could have been he or she who had the desired object.[2][3]
Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness.[4] It is a universal and most unfortunate aspect of human nature because not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but also wishes to inflict misfortune on others. Although envy is generally seen as something negative, Russell also believed that envy was a driving force behind the movement towards democracy and must be endured in order to achieve a more just social system.

B said...

Hey Disgusted, what a bitch to mark you cos of her own insecurity! She's only got herself to blame I guess and you're just collateral damage. I knew that he's a pond scum but I didn't know he's really sooo pathetic. It's shocking. It borders on him being mentally ill.

Anyway, nah, then I really have no idea who Y is...and just being nosy, pond scum and Y still hanging out together? I suspect he'll still reign her in for a free shag and for her to drive him around or something...knowing him...hahaha...

Another thing is, if his rubbish behavior's known around SCB, do the bosses know about it? I wonder what they think...

And eh how come got some pseudo intellectual discourse on envy? Kinda funny what kind of comments come in. I didn't know people envy having Chlamydia and Herpes.

Anonymous said...

Anon.827, I know i was stupid to let him have the chance but then i didnt know what kind of person he is rite. I did feel insulted and sick by his actions, but still continued as he was really persuasive. But well, i wanted to put it past me until i found out i had Chlamydia which i passed on to my bf. So i had to come clean. hes nice enough to stick with me and i retrieved all my past emails, msn messages, photos and we started planning.. then turn out that his friend told him about this blog which he didnt realise its the same person. as i said, he advised me that even if we did sleep, it doesnt mean that I cant sue him for molest. And in my case, i did tell him to stop and yet his hands were groping. that is = outrage of modesty.
regarding the photos, well as usual, i get all his self portraits. but i managed to obtain 2 nice discreet photos, one when he was horny one night (after we are over.. how stupid can he be!!) and one through my snooping (how clever can i be!!)

And B,i knew all about the lie detector test that its not going to be used in court but the police can infer from it to press charges and also the court can infer from it so too bad for him!!

Disgusted, I really dont care what motive you have in getting back at him.. as long as our target and aim is the same, you are my ally. keep you gals updated on my plan.. i need to discuss with my bf and his friends on the best approach. believe it or not, hes more eager than me to get this ass punished.

And the last few comments before B are prob from him.. So Cullen, keep on trying to be smart. As you told me before, all those under you are like animals you run in a farm, with no brains.. well, lets see how you will be able to get out of it this time.

Any other victims have more shit you all have dug out? please hold on to it and pls keep all these evidences.. might be handy!


B said...

OMFG....He's really the poster boy of STD! Sorry to hear that he gave you and your bf shit. But your bf is a good man to stick by you. And yes, if I were him, I would definitely want to bring this guy down cos he's been screwing around, causing harm and getting away with it for too long. I hope you succeed...

Yes, true, polygraph can't be used in court but can definitely be used by the police force to press charges. I know someone who actually got molested by a doctor and successfully pressed charges after that ass doctor failed the lie detector. So yes, that can bring him down for sure. Way to go Revenge!! I hope he gets the punishment he deserves!

Anonymous said...

"Heaven has no rage.."
"Let him of no sin.."
& the Envy crap...all sounds like from the same person & you know who I've got in mind..It's obvious hatred here (not envy,dork..)n having STD from an Animal that thinks he runs other animals in stanchart's farm..that's really NOT nice..horrible in fact.I feel eeky writing this & i hope justice be brought on h whom I used to hv a long crush on but never did lose anything to him..thankfully.Never expected my gut feel of the real him to be thaaat sharp until he turns out worst than a monster (which he proudly calls himself sometimes.)Even dogs do better than him coz they don't lie.--A

Anonymous said...

thanks for the encouragement B.
yeah, im so grateful to have my bf with me. it was not an easy period and he made me promised to dig out Cullens's shit and try to get him down before he can be convinced to stick with me. he doesnt need to. I am more than willing to bring that ass down anyway.

Dont worry, i wont get upset by the comments obviously made by cullen himself. in fact, what happened to the 'girl' who declared getting married to him?
haha.. Henry Cullen, stop trying to be smart because when i get started, you will wish you never set foot in Singapore.

And yes, i was disgusted when he compares his department to a farm of animals and i remember hoping that i dont know anyone there.

Oh well, now i hope i know everyone who has been in contact with him.. i want more ammo on both the legal and erm entertainment front!! in anycase, Henry Cullen, let us teach you what Singapore girls are made of.

Anonymous said...

Yeah baby! I remember standing up to an bald-headed ang-moh bitch on the first night of F1 in 2008, for myself n the poor younger girl on her other side that she has "displaced" outta our viewpoints with her elbows. Said to her "If u're in Singapore you jolly well respect Singaporeans!" That girl thanked me even,after the thick-skinned fotog left. Let's show our stuff girls! He's too much of himself & I dun believe the Law would let us down.--A

B said...

Hey Revenge, I really hope you succeed! I'd like to see some justice restored to say the least! So do keep us updated! I'm sure all of us are cheering for you! Looking forward to updates from you!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

if you're serious about the legal part. give me a way to contact you.

you should also know, if he read this, he's smart. probably way too smart for his own good. and he'll be preparing something too.

so, if i were you. i'll create a new or private email. and this way, i can get in touch with you.

sorry this sounds kind of over planned. but this is a public blog. and if it is true that he reads it too, then believe me. don't talk too much about your plans out here.

ive been with him long enough to know you just have to be more careful.

he will leave the bank before they fire him. he is not that stupid. he will leave the country before the cops get to him.

he is not a man without resource.

i am not on his side. i am just saying this because as much as i hate him, i do know what he can do.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.40,
i want to broadcast my plans because of 2 reasons.
1) i want to get more evidence and shit on him for both the legal and entertainment front. For my case itself, its already equivalent to 2counts of outrage of modesty and 1 count of insult of modesty. but that will most probably be a short jail term for him if he has no other records.As I said, I want to totally destroy him for what he has done here in these few years and my bf advises that the more people and the more evidence we have, the easier it will to take him down and the harder it will be for him. personally, i want to see him caned and theres a high chance of it happening for such cases!!:)

2) I dont want him to suddenly get caught and thats it. I want him to feel scared, knowing that we are onto him. And if he is stupid enough to try anything on us, thats great news for the police to have.. easier for them to make any decision.

And dont worry, i know he thinks hes smart to get away with the lies in the flings he had. But this is law and this is Singapore. I have laywers and police contacts advising me so im happy if he thinks he is smart to get away with it.

My spies told me that he has been trying to leave the bank for years since he has no chance of promotion there. But he cant get another job elsewhere. Well, lets see if he will quit without a job. i doubt it, knowing how important money is to him (you dont know how stingy he is, i cant remember how much i paid for cabs when i was with him). And also i doubt he will fled the country. theres nowhere else for him to go. i heard his bank in london all hated him. thats why he moved here in the first place.

oh by the way, B, some of my reporter friends are interested in this blog to assess if it will make big news. Can i pass it to them?

B said...

Hey anon revenge,

I really hope he gets caned! Get his sorry ass split apart for all the lies he told and the STD he passed around.

I don't think he'll flee singapore so soon cos he's got property here...he apparently bought the apartment in Geylang (haha...I guess perfect district for him)

As for the reporter thing, well, I wanna remain low key and anonymous. Possible?

Anonymous said...

yeah i heard that most STDS like chlamydia cant go away totally so i hope he just infects the prostitutes he visits and not to the rest of us... ill never rest till i see him punished. i was worried about the exposure and just wanted to get rid of him in my mind before.. but then my bf really woke me up and i think its something i must do to put it totally behind me and also to save the rest of us Singaporeans.. great to have a lawyer bf who can help get back.. legally!!

and B, i know about lying low profile. I dont intend to let anyone know abt me too. even now, though ill be curious to find out who the victims are (maybe we can form a fan club haha.. or rather anti-fan club!!).. i dont think ill be able to come out and talk about all these to you gals.. lets wait till he gets his ass busted then we can really celebrate..

ill talk to my friends and see how they can make everything low profile except for that ass.


B said...

Hey Revenge,

I dunno about the newspaper pitches cos I really don't want to have them scrutinizing my blog cos I really wanna have nothing to do with that asshole. Being associated with him in public domain like the newspaper is a bit much and to be honest, if it's gonna be on the newspaper, I wouldn't want to even do it and I would in fact, shut down the blog in fact cos that is really the last thing I want. I hope you understand.

Anonymous said...

Hi B. I understand. Ill keep this from them. Ill start a facebook group and hope al lthe victims can join and illustrate their experiences with this ass there.. then i think the reporters can use that for their materials.
Ill get back to you gals when my bf has done all the checks.

Anonymous said...

Wow i should be monitoring this blog daily.. so many comments! Anon revenge, I have found the photo of him and the auditor.. His hands were really erm.. mis-behaving! i wonder what happened after that shot? What did she do? i cant imagine what ill do if someone touches me in the office..

let me know about your facebook!


B said...

wah...disgusted, really got the picture?? Where was his hand? "up" or "down"? Just curious...I'm just wondering if you can send it to me? No pressure. Cos just wondering if there's anyway to "float" the picture around

Anonymous said...

Hi B,
the hands are down.. but not there. its btw the hips and there..too close for work purposes im sure. But seeing her well endowed upside, i can see why hes into her and i wonder if there are any more pics i can dig out. give me some time to do my own PI work, im sure i can find some more things. im not sure if the auditor is 'willing'. cant see when exactly the picture was taken, just when he touches her or his hands had been there for awhile. well, if she is willing, then that makes her one of us... we will need to protect her and cover her face i think. if shes not willing, then its definitely molest? she might be too scared to make a big hooha then. then maybe we can trace her and get her to make a report like revenge?

How can i send to you? and also Im not sure if its a good idea to float the picture around. Revenge, since this picture will definitely help you, what do you think?

B said...

Actually, I'm also not sure what I can do with the photo. I guess it probably would help Revenge to better make her case to the police. Maybe she should get it instead....

Ewww...this cullen is super disgusting...he would even do lewd stuff at work! But then again, why am I not surprised anyway?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a crime and chargeable offence to sleep around while knowingly carrying an STD? This guy's a hazard to society!

Anonymous said...

Girls, I chance upon this as I googled Henry Cullen and I don't believe my eyes, my body is shaking as i read. I was one of his victim and still trying to get over the saga. Now i have all my questions answered. Silly me still believe when he said I was crazy about you!

Anonymous said...

It's the same Henry Cullen in Standard Chartered Bank we are talking about ain't we. The one who plays football?

Anonymous said...


I'm one of his victim too and would love to contribute to the Facebook page and like to know the outcome of the legal preceding on him. Hope to get some update soon.


B said...

Anon 2.35, sorry to hear that you got duped by him. When was that? I'm just curious if it's recent or way before...cos if it's recent, then I'll be shocked to find out that he's still out there screwing around and lying to girls just to get laid.

Anon 2.36, yes that's the Henry Cullen. The soccer crazy Henry Cullen who lives in Geylang

CC, I'm just as curious about the legal action but I haven't heard any updates...also curious, when did you get duped by him?

OGT said...

Hmm. It's alive again! Looks like there's no stopping Cullen. So what's going on with the legal action and how about the photo of him with the auditor? Any new photos to share around here?

Anonymous said...

Mine happened back in end of 2008. He is such a big liar, so good at disappearing, not answering calls when we were suppose to meet up. Absolutely no courtesy to at least say he can't make it. I was so made that I did some damage to his 'beautiful' penthouse in Geylang and he made me paid up the damages. I was still silly thinking that I should so that I can see him again!

I think he is reading this page cause he has removed all information and photos of him on the internet, which used to be there. I got to know him through SingaporeLoveLink and his profile is gone too now.

I remembered he once look me in the eyes lovingly and say he is secretly hoping that he could make me pregnant so that I will never leave him. I want to puke now!!!

I'll like to know if anyone here has taken anything up with him so far.


B said...

Hey CC, that you wrecked his rooftop that he's so damn proud of. What did you do and you did it while he was there or what?

He is definitely reading this thread cos we're (a few other victims and I) damn sure he did comment before with rubbish stuff previously. And apparently this thread has been circulating in his company. But right now I'm just wondering if any legal action has been taken against him...

Anonymous said...

He wasn't there, I threw a potted plant into his sliding door at the balcony and broke the glass door.

Anonymous said...

any more stories of Mr Cullen? Where is he now?

Anonymous said...

It seems like he has vanished into the thin air. Maybe he left Singapore but his office number still holds his voice message.


Anonymous said...

hes still in SCB, still the head of derivatives documentation though his department has reduced it's size by half in this 2 years. Hope his dick got reduced too.

Anonymous said...

Hey girls out there this is really a break through to this blog & it is really something new! I have to make myself clear that I am not at all siding this guy. But I must let you all know that it is 99% sure that the comments posted by Revenge & Disgusted are from the SAME GUY (or his close group). So don't be fooled! This guy worked under this Cullen for a period of time & he has criminal record (check this link out - That's why he knows so much about the law & lie detector & things. Also from very reliable source that he dated that mentioned auditor (who had contact with this Cullen) for a while and that's why the AUDITOR was mentioned out of the blue.

Also if you girls realis that Miss B keeps a record of people visiting this blog all over the world. There have been records showing there is someone from Seoul is monitoring this blog. Such a coincidence that this guy is now working in Seoul (& from reliable source again, he apparently lied about his criminal record in order to get he work permit approved). Funny enough this guy was known to be jealous about this Cullen as he saw him as his rival as there was this girl who used to flirt with a lot of SCB guys (apparently she is now married with one of them!) that he was eyeing on & there was something going on about them (there were rumours that he molested this girl), that she was quite close to this Cullen. Not to mention that the auditor he dated had contacts with this Cullen too. So naturally he is taking this chace to stimulate hatred here. All of the about are from reliable sources. So girls, this is such a break through to half of the comments left here!

Ex-Follower said...

i wonder how this blog against a cheater turns into a personal place for all these 'anonymous' people.. whichever is true and whoever is saying the truth. in fact, is Miss B actually cheated? Oh well, this is getting too boring for people who doesnt know what is really going on so Miss B, thanks for the entertainment for the past year.. time to move to other blogs...

Anonymous said...

if you're cheap enough to sleep around just like that deserve it

Anonymous said...

why would Y*** take such extreme action to divorce his husband because of cullen? Cullen knows how to exploit human weakness and use it to his advantage, he must have known Y's weakness.

V said...

Omg. This is getting weird. Im getting suspicious on why Disgusted and Revenge are lying low and quiet now...

Anonymous said...

Oh HJC blast from the past.
I found this post by B because a friend from SC bank pointed me to it. I couldn't believe the posts when I read it last night. Anyway if there was a sgp girl victim, perhaps I was the first. Like so many of the gals here, I too fell for the charms of this asshole but that was ages ago, precisely 6 years ago when I lived in London. Anyway I don't want to rake up unhappy memories but if anyone would like more background info or build a picture of him, give me your addy and I can PM you.
Like many of you, I always had the sneaky suspicion that he was screwing around with other chicks but never caught him red- handed. Sad thing is I was strung along for a long time. Even when I moved back here in 07 he was still sending me booty calls. Saddo. I feel sorry for you girls who were intimate with him only to find out you caught a cocktail of STDs from him. He definitely sounds bolder and more of a jerk than what I recalled. When we last chatted, he made such insidious racist remarks about loving the attention from sgp girls. If there's any angmo dude who caught a serious case of yellow fever then it's certainly HJC. There's a lot of biggin' up of his job at SC and how he has a team working for him blah blah. Truth is he heads up a team of paper shifters. An investment banker he is certainly not. Joke. Any smart girl who has met enough cads in her life will suss out that he may be smoother than a Teflon wok but probe deeper, and you will find that his persistent bragging ( whether on the pitch or about work or his family or the endless string of nutters who "chase" him) is masked confidence and serves the dual purpose of making the chicks feel like crap. Reality is there are no nutters knocking on his doorstep (maybe the paid ones like geyland hookers) because none of you girls are stupid. Certainly not B. He will keep hooking you and drawing you in with a lot of texting, sweet baby words, everything to get your attention. Honestly with a profile like his, working class background, greasy hair, hamster like appearance, pure lack of intellect, the only attribute he can rely on to hook classy girls is to lie and cheat. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Oh HJC blast from the past.
I found this post by B because a friend from SC bank pointed me to it. I couldn't believe the posts when I read it last night. Anyway if there was a sgp girl victim, perhaps I was the first. Like so many of the gals here, I too fell for the charms of this asshole but that was ages ago, precisely 6 years ago when I lived in London. Anyway I don't want to rake up unhappy memories but if anyone would like more background info or build a picture of him, give me your addy and I can PM you. 

Anonymous said...

Hamster-like appearance?? Why hamsters? I've a whole lot of hammies but H ain't half as cute as any of them..--A

Anonymous said...

Girls, if you weren't so obsessed with Western guys then you would not get messed around. Expats only do this because you are all too easy to fool and to get.

Anonymous said...

OMG HOW DARE U! we are NOT obsessed - ang moh men find us more attractive than ang moh women. can address your internal issues please....

Anonymous said...

Ye love, well I'm a bloke and you talk shit. Don't find you more attractive, you're all just pretty thick and easy to lay without any effort.

Anonymous said...

Henry Cullen ? I knew him at West LB in London...I see he hasnt he still in Singapore? where is he now? would love to know

Anonymous said...

Narcissistic traits

Thomas suggests that narcissists typically display most, sometimes all, of the following traits:[21]
An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships
A lack of psychological awareness (see insight in psychology and psychiatry, egosyntonic)
Difficulty with empathy
Problems distinguishing the self from others (see narcissism and boundaries)
Hypersensitivity to any sleights or imagined insults (see criticism and narcissists, narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury)
Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt
Haughty body language
Flattery towards people who admire and affirm him or her
Detesting those who do not admire him or her
Using other people without considering the cost to them of his or her doing so
Pretending to be more important than he or she is
Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating his or her achievements
Claiming to be an "expert" at most things
Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people
Denial of remorse and gratitude

Anonymous said...

Henry Cullen!!! He is damn freaking cheater!!!! I dated him when I was in my second year university, he was cheap bastard!!! We all should set up a anonymous blog to gather all the women that he had slept with!! He deserves to rot in hell...

B said...

Hi Anon 7:38,

So you got the "Cullen treatment" too? You wanna tell us more? And spill more? What did he do to you?

Apparently he's still out and about trying his luck on girls cos I have girls coming to me on email to ask me about him cos he's been hitting on them. So yes, he's still out there....probably spreading STDs

Unknown said...

Woah, this is super scandalous and interesting! I came across this by total accident, and read the entire comment section, and I am stunned at how many girls this Asshole has cheated. I hope he's getting retribution and I hope his life gets ruined, and definitely hope he's moved out of Singapore and stopped doing this to girls!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies,

Henry f'king Cullen has resurfaced. I saw his profile in SingaporeLoveLink (profile name "H").

I guess he never left and never learnt and is back hunting again.

I wish I could leave a comment on his profile to warn girls.

Oct 13, 2011

Anonymous said...

Henry Cullen is fat, old and balding now.. Don't give him anymore attention.. He has been enjoying it for the past 2 yrs..

Anonymous said...

Henry Cullen

Anonymous said...

Glad my name's not Henry Cullen. This kind of internet slander can ruin someone's life.

Pretty shameful in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Heard about your blog from a friend who knows Henry. There are many out there unfortunately. If you meet a certain American from HP, you had better watch out too. He has all the Cullen signs...and he frequently visits that cluster of Southeast Asia islands located in the western Pacific Ocean...He's a smart one though but still left tell tale signs...

Anonymous said...

Just came across this blog, 2 years later since the first post I believe.

I have my own experience with Henry which goes back a good 10-13 years ago. An odd character indeed but it seems like he s just got worse by the year.
We were living together in London for about 3 years, 3 painful years trying to keep with with lies.
I think I can tell is that young Henry is not that young hahaha he is about 5 years older than me which makes him 41. Not sure why this boy always lies about his age and more or less about everything. I put it down to severe insecurity.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Henry in case you are still reading this blog...what goes round comes round too. So cut this bullshit of a life and get your act together or you will be alone til the end. What would your poor mother say if she knew about all this? Your dad would be so disappointed by your actions, he d never speak to you again. Oh and your sister, i have a feeling she was never half as bad as you made her out to be.
You re old enough now so just grow up!

Anonymous said...

amazed to come across this thread now. i was an expat working under Henry at SCB back then. and i am seriously not surprised at the comments im reading here. he boasted of bedding the agent who helped him secure his executive condo and also tried it on with my wife during a corporate drinkls thing -she told me straight away what he was doing...not much i could to him when he was my boss! i think he's still in singapore?

LOLa said...

OMG I can't believe that someone actually posted this! I was 1 of his victims 6 years ago. Thank GOD I bailed out in less than 2 months. Stupid D***head! I hope he's suffering from some kind of STD and rotting his balls off!

LOLa said...

Btw, he used to live(or maybe still is) in this penthouse condo near Aljunied MRT station. His drum set is in 1 room. I dated him in Feb-March 2008. Such a dirtbag!

LOLa said...

And his fav football team is ARSEnal. How apt!

Anonymous said...

Girls…girls…girls…Wwhoooaaaa. Unknot your panties for a second. Do you realize how immature you sound?

1. STD tests. Hopefully you all understand that you can catch an STD when you first sleep with someone…otherwise I fear for the future of your generation. But maybe that’s a good thing? Darwin and all. The fact that you’re rushing out to get a test after you’ve slept with a random leads me to believe that you’re plain dirty. PROTECTION: it’s been around for a while, yeah?

2. Expats. If “a lot of expats are like this”, stop going after them. But why are you? - wait - I won’t get into that.

3. Tabloids? Expose? Sorry girls, you won’t get anywhere. Last time I checked, sleeping around wasn’t a crime. Please don’t embarrass yourselves.

4. Bittered psychos. YES. YES, you are. Sorry to break it to you.

5. “His fave football team is ARSEnal. How apt!”. Ha. What a bummer :)

Have more respect for yourselves. Your reaction to claims of what this guy has done to you is exacerbating the stereotype that women are clingy and over-emotional. Get your STDs cleaned up, find a decent guy and move the fuck on.

Anonymous said...

At least his a expat, Send all this to mom and get him kicked out of singapore for good

I have a similiar encounter with another con man too and there is just nothing I could do as I cant find any information of him online

Unknown said...

Hi, just want to ask is he from Uk? Do u have a picture? I know it has been 6 years but im quite interested as im Seeing same name same bank he worked. Im actually looking for some evidence too thats why i came accros this blog. Thanks

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flyinghigh said...

Hi I just came across this blog and it’s has been years and years now. I would like to msge you in private if that’s ok. Just ask some questions about this banker and I know him seeing him until now. I hope it’s not too late to ask for further information about him.

Flyinghigh said...

Hi can we talk about Henry coz I’m seeing this guy and I can’t believe what I just read.


Flyinghigh said...

I know him and still in Singapore. Would love to chat with you in private to know..

Anonymous said...

Henry Cullen raped me.

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