Sunday, January 17, 2010

On Skin Tag

Conversation with OGT bitching about my very hot ex who cheated...down-cheated that is....

B: You know I really dunno why he down-cheated
OGT: Well, down-cheating is always about the ego...
B: Yes, but of all people, he down-cheated with a skank with no taste
OGT: Yeah, she's really very second class! She digs ugly 10 dollar plastic watch! And he digs her...
B: But he likes...
OGT: It's his loss...
B: Seriously, he's just a second class wrapped in a first class body...
B: He's just a meathead with no intellect
B: And he doesn't have dick
OGT: He got dick lah!
OGT: A very small one!
B: It's not even called a dick!
OGT: Then what????
B: It's called erm, a skin tag
OGT: Hahahahahhahahahhaha
B: Yeah, a skin tag
OGT: Hmmmmm....
B: You know the kind people develop on their skin when they get skin-to-skin abrasion? Then a little nub of skin came out and they would go remove it?
OGT: Hahahahahahahahahahaha


OGT said...

Three entries on a sunday evening. Keep up the hard work!

Unknown said...

Tt's a good one. Two of my ex got skin tags, too!! Ooops.... Hahaha...

Anonymous said...

I still don't see why you think that guy was hot.

Guide to Skin Conditions and Skin Care said...

Hey...that's funny.


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