Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm showing off here. I received a gorgeous bouquet of purple roses last night from BB *scrrrream* and it's super gorgeous! And I've never received so much flowers in my entire life!

Pretty purple roses and pink carnations! It's got all my favorite colors!

Jazzing out my room...the peonies in the back are erm...fake...from Ikea.....

In fact, I can count with one hand and less than 5 fingers the number of times I got flowers before I met BB...pathetic I know. I remember receiving my very first bouquet (it was white lillies). I was still in uni when my then-bf rocked up to surprise me with a bunch of flowers after my yoga class....(yeah that was the happy times before he turned psychotic and mildly violent...scary)...but after that one time, I've never received anything! For years! Not from him again nor subsequent ex-es! And I would just see my friends or colleagues get bunches of pretty bouquents and I would get all green-eyed.

I waited...and waited...and waited...and still, no flowers! Then, the defense mechanism kicked in and I started to denounce flowers....100% sour grapes from concentrate but I just started saying how it's stupid to send and receive flowers cos the flowers die, that it's money wasted, that you're better off buying something that last blah blah blah....and I hate it even more when one Valentine's Day, every single girl in my department received a gorgeous bouquet from their beaus while mine did nothing......not that I believe in Valentine's Day cos it's silly but imagine all the colleagues around you (mind you, it's a very small office) were gushing and comparing bouquets and I had to pretend to be hard at work while they cast the "oh you poor pet!" look at me! Sigh....

But then things have changed and 2 months ago, I walked out of the shower to be greeted by a bunch of pretty red roses. I hung them upside down to dry them cos I wanted to preserve it for posterity cos it's been probably 5 years since I last got flowers and I want to be reminded of the fact that wow, I actually got flowers!! Then a couple of weeks past and one night, BB walked in with a big pretty bunch of Lillies completed with a brand new vase for me to put the flowers in! Wahhhh! The karma cheque must be cashing in now cos last night, these gorgeous purple roses!!!

I'm one lucky girl indeed! Only that I really need to learn how to graciously receive the flowers with gratitude cos I'm so not used to getting flowers that I feel overwhelmed every time I get a bouquet. I would naturally be over the moon with surprise but I would also feel indebted and feel the need to return a favor. I asked BB last night how do I make him feel really really appreciated for bringing me flowers and he said I just need to say "Thank you, I really appreciate it!"......that's it?? Really? I guess he just doesn't understand how big a deal it is for me to receive how I wish I know what little things to bring are a lot harder to surprise with little things and I know that BB said a camera lens makes a really good "man gift" but erm...I kinda can't exactly afford it on a regular basis with the montly peanuts that get giro-ed into my bank account from work.......massage works but what else???? Cooking him a meal seems pathetic cos he cooks for me too....ideas anyone???


Unknown said...

have a nice picnic @ botanic or sentosa!

B said...

But it's so damn hot! We'll get heatstroke or I'll get attacked by mozzies and die of dengue fever...or it'll rain and we'll be drenched and get sick or something....what else what else??

Unknown said...

turn your house into like a theatre. have popcorn and snack and cushions all ready to snuggle. rent some nice shows to watch consecutively. but maybe before you all watch the movies, can make some DYI stuff.


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