Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blahhhh day

It's one of those blahhh days....uninspired, tired and sleepy, heaps to do, nothing much to look forward to, no shopping (actually no $$), gym awaiting (oh no...), no nice lunch (boring fishball noodle), nothing interesting happening.........yeah, one of those really boring bland days that leaves you wanting to zonk out.....and it's only Wednesday....

How do some people keep themselves so bubbly and energetic at all times?? What's the secret to being so damn alive and brimming with enthusiasm without taking drugs?? Or am I just getting old here??? Can someone just enlighten me??? How to be super chirpy, happy shiny all the time???



Anonymous said...

something that will make your day--it's thursday, not wednesday lah! -hl

B said...

wow yah it's Thursday but still feel uninspired....blahhh

jason said...

Its like The Secret - think positive happy thoughts. Things could be worse no? Slogging your arse off until past midnight for some ridiculous WTF deadline... Or dreaming of some wonderful sushi place; seeing your BB later; that it dont rain later when you leave the office.....simplicity! Course you can also fantasise about Brad Pitt/Gerard Butler/Colin Farell.. Lovely movies you've seen which leave you fuzzy all over... goes on and on....
Plus tomorrow's TGIF!


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