Saturday, July 03, 2010

Cutest Kitten

And the cutest kitten award goes to....

Awwwwww......soooo cute!!! It's real by the way! A tiny bun-head Scottish Fold kitten....super duper cute! Awwww.....Mr Bond would agree too! It's too cute! Look at the cute pink nose! I just melt!


Tiffany said...

this is sooo adorable! we can just melt :)

i think cat and dog lover have differnet interesting personality. something interesting i found is a lot of top beauty bloggers love cats and this spike off the "ka-po-ness" in me to find out why..then i googled for cat and dog owner personality and found cat owner are more prideful, self centered so maybe that explains why beauty blogger are usually very confident of their makeup, more self centered as in developing tutorial/demo so to get followers instead of u following others

hahaha just a little twinkle in my thoughts amidst the dreary working life ya

B said...

Haha...yes, I do think cat and dog lovers do have quite different personality. But the funny thing is, my cat is a bit like a dog!! He's got a very doggy personality. Common misconception is that cats are cold but they're really not once you deal with you. And my cat will wait for me at the door, then come look for me to play with him and will cuddle up to me etc....he's a sweetheart!


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