Monday, August 23, 2010

Boohoohoo....My mom's leaving today after staying here for a month (which zoomed pass real quick by the way)....I'm feeling the separation anxiety even though this arrangement has been established since I was 15 cos I've been living on my own since then and my folks will just zip in and out of this durian island....Thing is, you would have thought that by now, I should be used to my folks' flying in and out but there're simply some things in life you just never get used to and the separation anxiety's one of them. So I'm not exactly looking forward to going back home to find an empty space cos I'm gonna miss my mom even though she drives me nuts at times...Mr Bond's gonna be sad too so I guess I'll have to baby him a little tonight.....Hopefully, I'll go back home for Christmas...


Joan Oh said...

You have me. I'll bug you...

Amanda said...

But you still have BB with you :)


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