Saturday, December 04, 2010

Health care 101

One new bottle of perfume, two cute knickers, and three trashy tabloid. That reads along the likes of items on my usual Friday 200-bucks mini retail treat list.

This week, the 200 bucks fished in a radically different list that reads; One jar of manuka honey, a bottle of Echinecea, and a bag full of nasty herbal medicine for good health. Horrifyingly drab in comparison but yes, these are really what I've got and you know what? I was actually thrilled about it too. That's when you know you've grown up and start getting your priorities right. Or have I? Erm well maybe not, but one thing I'm sure is that the new list shows my remorse for having taken my health for granted. Thanks to the nasty mother of all super flu bug I've got.

Note to self:
You can spray as much new perfume you want but if you're so sick you actually throw up in the cab, well, you'll still smell like vomit and rose-scented human vomit, unlike whale vomit aka ambergris aka a real perfume ingredient, is technically NOT a perfume ingredient

If you haven't got your complete sense of smell and taste back, you're STILL SICK with flu despite a non-drippy nose. Do not eat a burger (gourmet or otherwise) thinking you've recovered unless you have an objective of throwing up in a cab (ref to 1st point)

Imedeen might be the supplement that makes your skin glow. But Vitamin C, Chinese herbs and antioxidants are the ones that would help you look less like a chewed up dog breakfast courtesy of a 2-week old flu

They say wear nice knickers in case you get hit by a car. But cute knickers can't save you from the embarrassment of involuntary coughing in public thanks to a big lump of phlegm lodged in the throat. (The knicker is only handy if you're desperate for a hankie to hold your spit perhaps). Manuka honey with UMF 15+ instead, would help kill the phlegm and thus prevent the social embarrassment of a gagging cough

Lesson learnt. So, Dear health, please, I beg you, PUH-LEASE, come back home already! Pretty pleeeassse!


Tiffany said...

Take good care, bmuses dear. since a few posts, really know you are sick and send my well wishes. glad to know you stocked up on supplement to fend off the bugs. by the what's Echinecea for?

B said...

Hey Tiffany,

I'm feeing a lot better. I actually went to see a chinese doctor for Traditional Chinese Medicine and it works really well. Slowly on my way to full recovery.

Oh Echinacea is good for preventing flu and if you've got a flu, it helps to relieve some of the flu symptoms too. It's good to take it when everyone around you is sick with flu so you don't catch their bug so easily. Not cheap though, the bottle is $58...but well, you can't put a price on health! Most people in my office are sick now!


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